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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication


Can someone support my willingness to start over March 9 2021?

I’m trying to update my archived profile from my last quit date. I quit today (it’s been 12 hours from my last cigarette) and I have returned to this site to start over. This time with the willingness and no reservations to quit. I’m 50 and tired of being a smoker.

20 Replies

I support your willingness to quit 100%! Make this your LAST Day One! For some reason I can't @Mark; can someone else please do it so tyedye can update quit date? 


Yes I was thinking of doing a different profile but I like that I did try to quit and how I chose the Twelve Steps to work it. Now there is more support than ever and I have no excuse not to quit because now I’m sick and tired of the dis-ease and want to do something different for myself first and my family second and my friends third. Being an example can be the ticket to carry the message.


Twelve steps can work especially step #1 . One day at a time works too (sometimes one minute at a time . I needed community to help me STAY quit because even more than being physically addicted to nicotine I was emotionally addicted and felt like I couldn't deal with life on life's terms without my "friend" nicotine. I found true friends here..


Go to "My Ex Plan" upper right.  Your quit date is in a blue box with a pencil in the upper right corner.  Change the date there, then log out and back in to Ex.  It should be updated when you log back in.

Glad you are back at it!  Let us help you make this your final Day One!  Tell us how!



Thanks, Nancy! I couldn't remember how to do it even though I had changed my date a few times. Guess me forgetting is a good thing .

Community Manager
Community Manager

tyedye‌ Glad you came back!

/blogs/tyedye-blog/2017/01/24/tyedye-archived-profile?sr=search&searchId=7fca9460-1c4d-4417-ae14-f3d...‌ is a copy of your profile from when we moved to the current community platform. All members that moved to this platform got a copy of their profile whether it was blank or whether it was full of information. You can just leave it as it is. It's your quit history.  Writing a blog is a good way now to document your new quit journey.  Think of them as journal entries as you quit. Documenting your footprints along the path. 

If you want to reset your quit date you can look atHow do I get my quit date to show on the community?

Your updated quit date will show in your profile here: tyedye  once you have followed the steps in the link above.

EX Community Admin Team

Welcome back.  Willingness will take you a long way.  So will acceptance and perseverance.  



We are here to support you. Willingness and Education is the key to a successful quit.  When you have the opportunity please click this thing and read this blog. 


Welcome back we're all here for you and we're rooting you on You've got this quit firmly in your grasp deep breaths and believe in yourself because we believe in you.....