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Discuss different approaches to quitting, including medication



 I tried it.  Took it for about 2 months.  Made me feel kinda speedy and gave me restless leg syndrome.  It did help me smoke less because it stimulates you and so you don't get that sleepy drowsy feeling that results from lack of nicotine.  But, you still have to use will power to keep from smoking.  You do think about smoking less though.  l quit for about 2 months but started right back up after I quit taking them. 

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Hello nativegurl!!!!!

Viv - you are not the only one.  I got busy over the weekend and couldn't get on.  🙂  I'm proud of you!!!  Is this day 2 for you?  or 3?  I'm happy to hear you made the drive without a smoke!!!  Driving is one of my triggers too..

I'm happy to say I've made it 5 days so far, and I hope to keep going.  🙂

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Chicone, The driving was hard.but I did it, I'm well into day 3 and things aren't too bad. I know it would be easier if I felt better,  But like was discussed before being sick often leads to smoking more, bscause you don't eat or drink when sick. I still find that the ( L ) part of HALT is the hardest for me, but I knew it would be, even before Moe put it into the word.

Nativegirl, I was having headaches before so I can't say they are from the Wellbutrin, but I'm having a lot of trouble sleeping. Can hardly go to sleep and when I do it is to only doze off & on for a few minutes at a time. I feel that the trade off is worth it.

I wonder what it will be like when the mouth is better and I'm off the pain meds?

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Viv - I wish you felt better!  I have a feeling it will be amazing when your mouth is all healed up and off the pain meds!

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  About 6 years ago, I was put on Wellbutrin for mild depression. They told me that loosing the urge to smoke was one of the benefits. What wasn't public knowledge yet was the emotional side effects such as worsening depression, sever mood swings and suicidal thoughts. Only a few weeks into taking it my moods went all over the place. When I would ask doctors or pharmacists about it possibly being the Wellbutrin, they all dismissed me and said I didn't have enough in my system. I ended up loosing it and trying to hang myself. I did a voluntary 4 day stay in the hospital's psyc ward and removed myself from the medication.

  About a year after this, the companies who make these medications released the information about the side effects. 

  I have quit once for 8 months with the patch, and will go that route again. I just want people to be careful with these medications. I think they can be more dangerous than drug companies let on, and than doctors or pharmacists realize. Whenever you are on any new medication, pay attention to yourself and your body. Have a loved one keep and eye on you as well. 

  Talk to your family about medications they have been on. A couple of years after my bad run with Wellbutrin, my brother had seizures from it. He didn't follow the directions and thought that if one was supposed to help, then maybe two would help more. He had no idea that the medication I'd been on and gone nuts from was the same stuff he was taking. If he had known he may have been more cautious. My father went on Chantrix about a year and a half ago. While my mother and father knew about my brother and I having bad reactions to Wellbutrin, they did not connect the two medications. My father had an emotional breakdown which involved my mother kicking him out for 2 months. My parents are normally the kind of couple you hope one day to be. Once my family sat down and talked about these medications, I was able to make them see the parallels between them for all of us. 

  Quiting is possible, different things work for different people. I do know people who have had great success on these medications. For other such as myself and my family they can be horrific. With any medication be sure to read the whole pamphlet your pharmacy gives you, and do your own research as well. The more you know, the better choices you can make for yourself and your future health. 

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Chicone, I do think I'm getting better, No pain med since last night, and this AM I'm haveing a cup of

"hot" coffee But Like I posted on the other board, maybe it was a good thing. Coffee was one of my biggest triggers. after all coffee and cigs go togeather. So maybe it helped that I haven't been able to enjoy my coffee this first few days.

I should say this first 4 (four) 1 2 3 & 4  that's right the number is 4   days

good luck to us all.

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Ok.  I am a new user of this site.  I am quitting and my quit date is Feb 28.  I do have the Wellburtin 150mg.  afraid to take the first one because of dizziness?  anyone heard of this?  I have taken this med before but that was 10 years ago.  Thanks and looking forward to talking with some of you. 

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Glenda, like any med, Wellbutrin can cause a little dizzyness in the beginning. it will only last a couple of days.  It may also cause sleeplessness so be sure you take in the AM. Some people don't have a problem with either. One nice side effect that I'm sure we all wish for is it sometimes causes a decrease in appitite. The results are well worth any side effects, welcome to the site and lots of luck.

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Thanks for responding Viv.  I appreciate the input.  It is odd now that I think about it.  I will smoke a cig even though it makes me dizzy but I am affraid of the medication that will HELP me quit smoking.  Go figure.  How stupid is that??  In scanning the messages here, I hope you are feeling better and doing well with the quit. 

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Chicone, I'm actually feeling better as far as the pain goes. The antibiotics have made my Crohn's act up , but I knew it would happen, now I'll get to add a weeks worth of steroids to the mix. lol I'm going to try to fight the Crohn's flare without the Prednisone, sometimes I can get it under control.   Talk about mood swings and MEAN...  I've got 5 days well 4 1/2 but at bedtime it will be 5.   Isn't this 7 for you or is it 8 ?

Have you heard anything from konabean ?  I hope she hasn't dropped out.

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Hi. I'm new to this group and am so thankful to find this discussion. I've used Wellbutrin to stop in the past and found that the extended release (xl) and the sustained release (sr)..(did i get that right? ) make me to jumpy. I'm going to the dr. today because I have an terrible caugh and need to stop again!!!!! I'm going to ask for the immediate release wellbutrin because in the past I've taken it for depression and for stopping smoking.  I did try Chantix and it made me crazy!!!!!!  The patch also makes me irritable and really jumpy.

Thanks for the group and I wish you all luck...please wish it for me!


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