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Day one is the pits

Today is day one and I feel like a toddler. Everything sets me off. I’ve cried over the most simplistic things and I feel like I have complete tunnel vision. My husband is also quitting today. I’m grateful to have an accountability buddy but this is seriously the toughest thing. I have reached for my vape at least 50+ times today and the days not even halfway over 😓

4 Replies

@CassPetersimes Welcome to the Ex and congrats on your first day as a quitter. I'm glad you found us.

I hope you did some preparation for your quit.  If not, it's not to late.  Learning about nicotine addiction and having a plan in place has made success possible for many of us.  And having the support of fellow quitters made all the difference for me after 50 years of smoking.  Here's some good information for you to get you started on your journey.

Join many of us on the Daily Pledge to stay on track one day at a time .

You and your husband can do this. Stay busy and stay close.




Reach for something else then.  You are replacing nicotine, so reach for a smell-good something, a hard candy that tastes good, a healthy juice drink, licorice stick, blow through a straw.  You are changing your life and it might be hard to get excited about it, but get excited about it.  You already know where the road to nicotine leads, so start by changing your thought patterns.  You aren't giving anything up, you are getting your life BACK and you are healing.  Allen Carr's book, Easyway to quit Smoking taught me that.  The first week sucked, cos my brain was stuck on a loop and it took some work to ignore the nicotine thoughts.  Writing out my feelings helped immensely, coming here and sharing my pain with others and finding out they went through it too, also helped.  You can do anything but smoke, all the healthy things you always wanted to do instead of self harming with nic, you can do now.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Welcome! My name is Quiana, and I am a part of the EX Team.  I wanted to reach out and personally welcome you to the EX Community! The community is very supportive so please reach out and let us know if you need anything. I wanted to invite you to join our new vaping group where there is more focused discussions on this topic.

Here are some articles that might be helpful as you prepare for your quit date:

Please continue to reach out!

Quiana, EX Team

EX Community Admin Team

WOW-  a  vaping group: how cool! Happy Quiana @CommunityAdmin had this information for you @CassPetersimes and I feel confident that you will find this helpful! One thought I had when reading your post about "reaching for your vape" was  I am hopeful you do not have any laying around... If you do, it would give you a much better chance of success to get rid of all vape-related stuff. I extend my congrats on your choice to quit and I am pulling for both you and your hubby!

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