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Day 22 of the quit

Today was a good day. I was really busy cooking and prep work etc for the holidays so cravings were at a minimum! Thank God. Anyway just checking in. Staying close. Thanks all! 

7 Replies

@Finallyquittin / Elisabeth: YES! Staying busy definitely helps keep one's mind off nicotine cravings. It will take while before they settle down' to a much more manageble level but you are well on your way to those days! You are doing fantaastic to have arrived at twenty two days nicotine free  and I applaud you for your success. Just nine more days and you will be a whole month free!! Wowzers!!! 9- 8- 7- 6- 5- 4- 3- 2-1!!!  HOORAY!!


A super duper CONGRATULATIONS @Finallyquittin on your precious quit journey YAY for each and every day WON! You're doing super fantastic! YAY for Freedom! 

Thank you both! It feels… unreal? But the days just keep passing and I take it one day at a time. I honestly cannot imagine what it will be like to not have the cravings or automatic muscle memory to reach for my vape. But I am sure looking forward to it. 


@Finallyquittin Super congrats on another day of success.  What a special way to celebrate the holidays.  


Keep busy.



Continue enjoying the gift of not smoking.  What a gift to your body and your lungs.  Keep being strong through the craves.  22 days nicotine free and you are doing this!!!!  Take a moment to celebrate all these wins, because it can feel like you are giving up everything.  In truth, you are gaining everything BACK.  


You got this. Keep up your addiction free life. Enjoy the holidays 


@Finallyquittin  On those days when I may feel "bombarded" with thoughts of smoking, I use plastic straws, cut the appropriate length, to hold in my hand and suck on / chew on. Don't know if this would be helpful to you or not? Keep on keepin on, one day at a time and you will get to where you want to be ~ you are doing great! ❤️