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Day 19 - nausea waves but still pushing

I think my mind is associating the withdrawal with dizzy and it’s making me nauseous and a kinda anxious. But I’m just riding the waves. Seems to happen more at night when I’m hungry before dinner. 

i feel fine overall when I don’t have the nausea/ dizziness. It’s been 19 days. 

That helped to hear that some people get out of the “loop” at day 21. Having some sort of goal post to look forward to is helpful. It gives me hope and a fight to get there. (Even if my day is not the 21st day) 

can you guys share more or tag me where I can read your early quit Journey? It helps me to know I’m not alone. You guys have been huge support . Thank you! 


3 Replies
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi @Finallyquittin, this post in Best of EX covers early withdrawal symptoms, which seems like that's what you're experiencing:

You're definitely not alone! Hope this post helps with explaining how you've been feeling.

- Danielle, EX team

EX Community Admin Team

@Finallyquittin Congrats on day 19.  Did you try the ginger ale for the nausea?



Congratulations on being nicotine free for 19 days.  Encouraging you to stay strong and get through these early days, so you can start living the life you were meant to live, and no longer self-harming.  I did a search on this site, "nausea", and several results came up and I think you might find them helpful.