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Dosing cats with Metronidazole?

Anybody had to dose their cat with liquid Metronidazole?  Just did it with one of ours and she foamed at the mouth, fought tooth and nail and it was a lousy experience all the way around.  And I'm supposed to do this for ten days.  OMG!

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29 Replies

Giulia‌ I was wondering that myself. LOL.

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YoungAtHeart HAHAHAHAHAHAHA HA!  I've seen another variation of that, but I think this is probably better!  

Last night didn't go as well as the day before.  Only got one med down her.  The other went flying.  Didn't get to it this morning.  Which was actually a small joy, I'm sure for both of us!  Will only be giving tonight's version.  Hey, her poop is no longer diarrhea.  We've progressed DESPITE it all.  If only there were a big enough cat treat to bury a pill in, like a dog.  (Thinking of the upcoming worming pill for the other cat that is HUGE.  It's the size of a Selenium pill if any of you take that OTC.)   If only my cats liked wet food.  Hey, it'll just be another learning experience in life.  Perhaps all cat owners just need to go to basic veterinary school - How to Give Cats Meds 101.  

elvan‌  "Cone of shame!"  lol  You know, I'm finding we can only do what we can do.  The vets give us the optimum version, but reality - is - reality.  And we are not vets used to doing this on a regular basis.  Besides which, they have COMPETENT helpers.  Shall we say, uh.. perhaps husbands are quite qualified as competent helpers in this area!  lol

We'll put Mao's pill in a little soft cat food. He eats around the pill & when it's the only thing left he'll eat it.




We can't find any soft catfood they like eating at the moment.  They haven't come up with Mole flavor yet, which is preferred.   lol 


I crush the pill and mix it with tinned tuna.or the water from the tuna.

Admittedly only had to do it twice way back


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HA HA!!!! Mole and Vole and chipmunk here....let me know immediately  if you find any of these flavors

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We had a cat who used to catch moles and literally scream all the way across the yard like it was DISGUSTING.  He never killed any that we SAW, he just dropped them and meowed.  Maybe you should contact Fancy Feast or Purina...eeeeewwww!

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Don't know why I am just now seeing this but I would discontinue and call the vet.

You might try cooking chicken and boning it and feeding that. My friend makes all of her cats/dog food. She just makes a big batch once a week to last the week. we have huge dogs, so thats not an option of us

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No, Missy, we are continuing the trials and tribulations.  Got a dose in her this morning.  And maybe? a last one for tonight.  Eventually it will all be over.  And hopefully she's still love me.  (I hope!)  lol   It HAS cured her diarrhea.  So perhaps it's all worth it.  Though I don't think I could handle a second go round.

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Please don't use the pills. They don't work! Yes, this does cause some foaming. Stick the syringe further down the mouth, all the way to the back of the throat! Scruff them hard on a surface where they are at shoulder level or higher, then just top the head back with the hand scuffing them and push the syringe all the way to the back of the throat and push the plunger. It helps to be ready to push the plunger. This should take only a split second if done right! Good luck!

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