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Mayo Clinic


We are getting ready for our next residential program tomorrow and I was reflecting on the patients we have treated in this program over the years. Every group has its own personality and we all learn from each other. Thanks for participating in the EX site. We think it could turn into a great tool for helping our patients stay tobacco-free. Have a great day.
Richard Hurt
Dr. Hurt is now Retired
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1 Reply

Hello Dr. Hurt,
not sure you will remember me. I was in your January 08 class, Robbie (Roberta Tucker). Well the great news is that I do not smoke. The not so great news is that I am addicted to the nictoine gum. Instead of waking up to a smoke, I now chew gum. I chomp on it all day and don't really park it.

I have a question. If I am chewing 15 pieces of 2mg and not really parking it, what size patch should I use to to start weaning off the gum. I have tried a patch (7mg) but it didn't really help. I would really like to be free of all nicotine but am having a bit of a problem having substituted one form for another (less toxic) but still nicotine.

Any advice you can offer is apreciated.

and thank you for everything you did to help me STOP SMOKING. it is a miracle!!!
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