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why am i still smoking?

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like many of you, i said i would never smoke. then i started working and started to smoke because they got to get 15 mins smoke break every 15 mins. lol. that was when i was 22. next i told myself, i would quit if i ever got married. to be honest, i think when i got married, i started to smoke even more. lolol. that was when i was 24. ok if i have children, i am done. my son is allmost 1. and just like most of you, still going strong. its hard to figure out why i still smoke. none of my friends smoke, my wife dont smoke. no one i work with smoke. i am still skinny as hell. i cant breath for anything in the world. i know the risks. i really dont know what else to say. i got all the support i need. i even get my meds for free. i even got free healthcare and i still smoke. i thinks thats y i smoke.


my date 2 quit is 1 feb. this give me time after my inspection to get my self togather.


i willpost me things and just do randome thoughts. we will see what happends. i wish u all the best of luck.   


You smoke because you are addicted. We all have dumb reasons why we started smoking in the first place. We all know the risks and some of us still smoke. I was one of those people 4 days ago. I am working on day 5 now and know I will be happier when I can breathe better, smell better and look better. You will too!! Hang on and maybe make a list of things that will be better after you stop smoking or write out a pros and cons list of why you should stop smoking. I know the pros for stopping list will be a lot longer. Keep thinking of these things until your quit day. Rev yourself up. It is a good thing you are going to do!! AND stay positive!!


You can do it. I live with two smokers who smoke around me. Everyone one I work with except one smoke. I went cold turkey two weeks ago and havn't smoked one. If I can do it so can you.


Quit Smoking Tip Sheet


1.       Quit cold turkey. In the long run it’s the easiest and most effective technique of smoking cessation.

2.       Do not carry cigarettes.

3.       Quit smoking one day at a time.  Do not concern yourself with next year, next month, next week or even tomorrow.  Concentrate on not smoking from the time you wake up until you go to sleep.

4.       Work on developing the attitude that you are doing yourself a favor by not smoking.  Do not dwell on the idea that you are depriving yourself of a cigarette.  You are ridding yourself of full-fledged smoking because you care enough about yourself to want to.

5.       Be proud that you are not smoking.

6.       Be aware that many routine situations will trigger the urge for a cigarette.  Situations which will trigger a response include: drinking coffee, alcohol, sitting in a bar, social events with smoking friends, card games, the end of meals.  Try to maintain your normal routine while quitting.  If any event seems too tough, leave it and go back to it later. Do not feel you must give up any activity forever.  Everything you did as a smoker, you will learn to do at least as well, and maybe better, as an ex-smoker.

7.       Make a list of all the reasons you want to quit smoking.  Keep this list with you, preferably where you used to carry your cigarettes.  When you find yourself reaching for a cigarette, take out your list and read it.

8.       Drink plenty of fruit juice the first three days.  It will help flush nicotine out of your system.

9.       To help avoid weight gain, eat vegetables and fruit instead of candies and pastries.  Celery and carrots can be used safely as short-term substitutes for cigarettes.

10.    If you are concerned about weight gain, do some moderate form of regular exercise.  If you have not been exercising regularly, consult your physician for a practical exercise program which is safe for you.

11.    If you encounter a crisis, (e.g. a flat tire, flood, blizzard, family illness) while quitting, remember, smoking is no solution.  Smoking will just complicate the original situation while creating another crisis, a relapse into the nicotine addiction.

12.    Consider yourself a “smoke-a-holic.”  One puff and you can become hooked again.  No matter how long you have been off, don't think you can safely take a puff!

13.    Don't debate with yourself how much you want a cigarette.  Ask yourself how do you feel about going back to your old level of consumption.  Smoking is an all or nothing proposition.

14.    Save the money you usually spend on cigarettes and buy yourself something you really want after a week or a month.  Save for a year and you can treat yourself to a vacation.

15.    Practice deep breathing exercises when you have a craving.

16.    Go places where you normally can't smoke, such as movies, libraries and no smoking sections of restaurants.

17.    Tell people around you that you have quit smoking.

18.    Remember that there are only two good reasons to take a puff once you quit.  You decide you want to go back to your old level of consumption until smoking cripples and then kills you, or, you decide you really enjoy withdrawal and you want to make it last forever.  As long as neither of these options appeal to you - NEVER TAKE ANOTHER PUFF


The EX plan does not recommend Cold Turkey.  For some that works but you need to use whatever it takes not to smoke.  Using the actual EX plan will increase your chances of quitting. as well as this community.

I used the patch and have been quit for almost 23 months.   Many people on this site have used Chantix with great success. 

This site is a great support and I am thankful that it helped me to quit,  www.whyquit .com  is also a great site and I believe that the list above came from there.  I agree except for number 1.  whyquit has great resources even though it is a cold turkey site.  Read Joels book on that site and use whatever information from there helps but if you choose to use a quit aid then just understand that that site does not agree.

Remember you are addicted and your addiction will do whatever it can to talk you into smoking.  Take this one moment at a time and remember a crave only lasts for 5 minutes.  Take each one as it comes.   Be kind to yourself for the first couple of weeks but no matter what ,,do not smoke.  You can do this.