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Share your quitting journey


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Tomorrow at 10am will be 1 day for me. I have no excuses. Though I only had one I accept my consequences of day 1 that's the only way I'll learn. Who wants to keep doing day one over behind a puff? Not me! That's why I'm willing to start over everytime it's only fair. I apologize I got on the pledge group and didn't follow the directions to come here BEFORE I have too much knowledge now to quit on my quit so I won't no matter what it takes. I've already had a lung scare and on a decongestant and antibiotic to clear up what could be an infection in my left lung. That alone should be enough to not only know better but DO better and I WILL! this stumble in the road will not be the end of my journey.

I know you are embarrassed, Kimberly and maybe after yesterday, concerned that we'll be harsh and beat you up but nothing could be further from the truth!

We support folks who are honest. Remember I wrote that honesty is the opposite of Addiction! 

Please don't delete or rewrite if you were deleted! You need your Friends and I'm blessed to be one of them!

We know you can do this!


Chalk it up to a relapse. Restart your clock and begin again. Please go back over the reason why you smoked, so it doesn't happen to you again, Kimberly.

Don't Quit on your Quit!

I have no reason. At this point I know better no matter what all I can think of was I was hungry and tired Thursdays are the worse days for me I have to get my daughter out for school take my youngest son to my mom and my oldest son to therapy for 8am and take him to school after 9. I don't have a chance to eat and in the end a nap become more important. That's still no excuse because smoking doesnt make it any better now I have disappointment on top of a hectic morning. Being a non smoker is very important to me. I feel wonderful on everyday won every day I'm able to be clean and kiss my babies. I'm more relaxed. I have no reason or excuses at this point.

Awww, Kimberly. Well, I believe that THIS day 1 is your FINAL day 1. Your tool kit is overflowing and you know what to do. What I admire is that you could have snuck that one and not said a word and nobody would ever have known. But no, you were honest, you fessed up, and you started over right away. I admire that so much. It's that kind of strength that will get you to the finish line. Do not give up on yourself, nobody here will give up on you, either.



Well it certainly sounds like you have it all figured out so let's just consider this a lesson learned.

Keep on keepin on,


Kim, I know how you must be feeling, I'm there too. We'll both hold our heads high, take a deep breath, and let it out and get on with a new day. As our smoking elders have told us before, sometimes it takes a few tries. Seems to happen to you and I about the same time. So lets you and I hold each other daily, pray for one another, message, mail, blogs or what ever it takes. As it has been said, Yell Help before you smoke....And I will learn that one too.


Sharon said it all. Heads up shoulders back.  You can do this.  I won't beat you up.  I will only give you some truth.

"A wise elder once told me that it is good to be confident in your quit but not so confident that you forget to protect it". aka Youngaheart.  

I have learned through this process that quitting is the "easy" part, protecting it and staying quit takes the work.   Never think there is a end to the quitting.   It is an on going daily process. We have to always protect it, some days more protective than other days.   Move forward knowing the addiction stays with us no matter how long we have been free.  We can not feed it.  It can be a Big thing for us all.  Best wishes on day one.  Yes you can 


So glad you are still here Kimberly, and you sound determined to stick with it this time around.

Get your tool box ready, and please do not pick up another without the well known "Help" message to the group!

Everyone will be happy to help out, if you just give it enough time!

You'll make it right this time around, we trust you.


You can't go back and rewrite it, Kimberly.  The best you can do is learn from it.  But you do have a choice in how you continue your life's journey.  I believe in you and in your ability to quit smoking.  You are an amazing woman.  But you need to believe in you, too. 


No beatings from here, I am sorry that you smoked but I am glad that you came here and told us and that you are getting right back on the train.  I wish it could be easier for ALL of us, I wish we didn't have to go through this, sometimes over and over again.  You are a smart lady who has beautiful children who need you but even more importantly, YOU need you.  I have every confidence that you can do this.


I'm curious - did you smoke yesterday?  I'm only asking because you often put your DOF at the bottom of your blogs (I saw DOF 34, 35 and 36), but yesterday there was no 37. I find it very interesting that you wrote a blog yesterday all about being gentle with those who take more tries than others and in today's blog you say "tomorrow would be day 1."  It's almost like you consciously or subconsciously pre-planned the smoking of that cigarette today, unless it was actually yesterday that you smoked and that blog was your way of telling us?  Just thinking out loud here, not meant to be harsh.  I'm simply a little confused.  Perhaps it's because you say "Tomorrow at 10am would be 1 day for me."  Instead of will be?  I'm lost.  


Learning how to walk only comes to those who have fallen.  Strength comes from those who pushed themselves back up.  Reset your clock, push yourself back up, and take those steps again.  You can do this.


Congrats on your last day one ever!! xo


Don't give up, as others around here say- DON'T QUIT QUITTING! The only way to do this thing is begin again. This is time #3 for me. I've given Giulia permission to smack me up side the head if I stray again. I'm pretty determined not to stray EVER again! Set your mind, get your commitment straight in your head and DO IT!


Just start over and stay positive. Keep telling yourself you can do this and you will do this no matter what happens. 


Glad you are back at it. Let's go forward now and get it done!  You can do this! Let smoking not be an option no matter what.


Thank you for being honest and sharing. This too will strengthen you and make you stronger . Ok your ON THE ROAD AGAIN!! The right path ... The Final Quit forever!!! Wow say that .... Acknowledge that truth about you !! You Are Quit!!  

NEF.. Never ever forget!!!! 

Nope .. Not one puff ever!!

SINAO.. Smoking is not an option!

Being a loving example to your  Beautiful Children is!!!

You Got this now ... Don't you!!!