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I will not worry about as long as I keep getting back in the saddle. I took some puffs this w/e. I let boredom and my husband deter me from my goal. I was pretty much stuck in this very small apt with him drinking and smoking and every minute felt like an hour. I am now going through the cravings that I thought were behind me. 

All I have is today and today I will not smoke! I will go to daily AA meetings and church. I will not let him control me. I will protect my quit at all costs.

Thank you ones that realize that relapse can sometimes be part of the process.


Dear Connie sometimes we -I think most of us - have to learn the hard way. It is awful having to go through the beginning all over again. But once you've experienced it it does help keep you from doing it again!! At least that's been my experience. Good for you just getting back on the horse! It WILL get easier!

Sending you hugs and prayers, Connie.  Hang in there.  Keep the focus on you!  What a tough environment you have to do this in.  You have to be a very strong woman. It sounds as though you have a great plan with church and AA.  Do it and do it for YOU! 




Hi, Connie!

Have you explained the effects of second hand smoke on COPD or taken your husband to oe of your pulmonologist appointments so that your Doctor can tell him? If he continues to smoke in or near your home he will be damaging your lungs irreversibly! You canot afford to be around second or third hand smoke or to smoke whatsoever! You and I have a chronic progressive incurable smoking related illness. Your health must now become paramount not only for yourself but also for your relationship. Your life depends on it! I have studied COPD extensively and there are no circumstances in which smoke exposure will not harm you just as if you were physically wounded. You must take this very, very seriously for your future.



Hi Connie, so sorry to hear of your relapse but so glad to know that you're back on it again. I must agree with Thomas, please stay away from second hand smoke!!! P.S I get bored sometimes but straight on the onset of boredom I keep telling myself that 'smoking doesn't make us less bored' and try and find something to do !! All the best x

Thanks everyone. Thomas my husband has been with me to my Drs. apts. He has copd too and takes 2 inhalers. I think he uses alcohol to deny that he is unhealthy.

I'm to the point where I am thinking separation is the only answer. However financially that will be very difficult as I am on disability. If I can quit smoking and get a little more energy I can find a part-time job. Correction: I can quit smoking.

So far today is good




I am so sorry to hear this latest news.  I know that you are living in extremely challenging circumstances and believe me, I know how hard it can be.  Let's get back to thinking of your quit as YOUR quit, YOUR baby, YOUR responsibility, first and foremost.  I do think you need to get away from your husband but I have no advice as far as how to do that.  I understand the financial trap.  He is risking your life as well as his own  and I don't believe that you can reach him by telling him that.  As you well know, alcoholism is a disease and adding guilt to whatever else he is feeling is not likely to help.  You said you are going to AA meetings...have you considered AlAnon?  I realize that you have alcohol issues yourself but I have gone to AlAnon for a long time and I think that you are dealing with co-dependence as well as dependence.  He is going to undermine your quit(s) over and over again. He has proven you have to step up and take care of yourself.  You need to get out of that place.  AA meetings, church, any way you can.  The more you are away from smoke, the more offensive you are going to find the smell and the more you are going to want to free yourself.  Thoughts and prayers are with you.


Connie, when you're bored and you can't think of a thing to do, just come here and read blogs! I gain strength in my own quit reading other's blogs. It's interesting to read the early blogs of some of the people who have longtime quits. They have also had to overcome many obstacles to protect their quits. I am fortunate that my husband, who quit with me, and then he started back smoking at 3 months into our quit, at least goes outside to smoke. Find an outlet, something to do that will take your mind off smoking. Connie, you CAN do this!  


You have a very good reason to quit... actually you are in a situation where you really "can't" smoke .... make a choice to live.   Your life is important. 


Connie, no matter what I know you will do this! I am sorry to hear that you had a relapse but I don't know of any Ex that has seriously quit and not had a relapse. When my mom and I lived with my father he drank constantly so I understand the stress it can put on a person. But once I got away from him (For a second time) and not around other smokers it has been much easier this time around. You have very good reasons to quit not just financial (Even though on disability I know you don't get very much), but with COPD you actually need to. That's why all of us are here for you! When you get bored try some word searches, reading, anything that can help you take your mind off of the urge..maybe designate part of your apartment that is a "smoke free" room. Thankfully I didn't smoke in the house. Remember we are all here for each other. And with one another we can achieve anything


i understand and i am sorry, i know how hard it is too quit if i smoked right now i would smoke a whole pack its an addiction and i fight it everyday, quess what i am trying too say is welcome back  you can do this i will help you any way i can.


Relapse is not required. Relapse is a choice.

Smoking is not required. Smoking is a choice.


Praying for you!

About the Author
I'm 59 with severe COPD. I've decided I really want to live and I won't if I smoke. I have 4 grown boys, a grandson and granddaughter due on 9/10. Lots of reasons to live.