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42 years of smoking. Will be 60 this month, gotta quit! Can't breath


Well welcome, then, let's get started.  I'm still considred a newbie here, but it will be 7 weeks for me this Sunday and I can't tell you how blessed I am that my breathing has gotten better.  Soon, others who have more time under their belt will write to you with websites and helpful reads.

May I suggest that you start with Allen Carr's The Easy Way, most of us have read his book and follow his suggestions:

You need to read, read, read and educate yourself so you can be armed and ready to quit. 

I will make you a friend on this site so you can follow the blogs that are all helpful.

You found the right place for your journey.




Welcome to EX Rockside. Take Fannie's advice & read that book. It'll help out a lot. This thing ain't gonna do it for ya so there's a lot of hard work to do. The main thing is educating youraelf about our addiction & making a comittment to follow through. I know some who quit in their seventies & are still smoke free today so I know it's possible. Spend a lot of time here & read & post. It can't hurt.

Keep on keepin on,

M n @


Congratulations on your decision to quit now all you have to do is follow through with that decision, I am on day 13 and I won't lie the first few weeks are hell. I smoked for 37 years and there are many who have smoked more if we can do it so can you. You have come to the perfect site if you are serious about quitting I would not have made it without the help of all the wonderful people here. Read Read and read somemore and drink lots of water I didn't and suffer many a headaches for it,  I also will make you a friend and will be there for you. remember Not One Puff Ever ( N.O.P.E.)


Hello!  I just read your profile.  I see you are from Middlefield - I am in Hiram!  So we are very close neighbors.  I smoked for 49 years.  A pack a day.  I just quit 42 days ago.  It is so worth it already!  This site is SO helpful and caring.  Come on here often.  everyone will help you.  You can do it.  If I can - anyone can!  Follow the advice here and you won't regret it               


There is hope for you here on this site - read what is suggested (Easy Quit) and know you are not alone.  I am 61 - have quit for 20 days now cold turkey read the Allen Carr book and if I can do it you can!

Hey there and a BIG Welcome!!! You have so found a DIAMOND in the maze of quitting sites. This is "Quit City." I'm 56, smoked a pack + for 43 years (sad) and now on Day 40 (Happy!) to Freedom because of EX! YOU can do it too!!!!

Welcome to the EX - there is nothing secret about how to do this.  You just never pick up another cigarette.  Sounds easy right, but oh my you will be in for the ride of your life.  You have to want this more than anything else you have done.  You have to prepare yourself, read, make a quit kit (whatever you can use to keep you busy, instead of smoking ... gum, mints, candy, celery, etc).  Lots and lots of water.

Come here read, read, read, ... then come here an vent and vent and vent.  Those of us on the train all ready have done and still do a lot of that.

We are glad you are here, and will be here to help you out.




Welcome--glad you found us. Read as much as you can (check out the blogs) and read Allen Carrs book. I read it and quit right away.


Oh and Rockside, GOT THE DOCTOR!  If you haven't already....  🙂


Hello Rockside. You have come to the right place. There is nothing but 100% support here. Congrats in your decision to quit. It's never too late. My advice is read the pdf that Fannie gave you. I printed it and carried it with me when I was starting. Good luck and log on here often!


Congratulations on your decision to quit! You will find a lot of support here!

  Welcome to the site! Congrats on deciding to quit! To prepare I did a lot of reading - blogs here, the free course at: and Allen Carr's book - "The Easy Way To Stop Smoking" - free download - 
  I smoked for 40 years....I did the reading, I hung out here for support - and I quit! That was almost 4 years ago! You can do this! Read! Stick around! 

Welcome one of the biggest decisions you have to do is committ to stop smoking.


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You CAN do all of the suggested readings that are being provided, you will be amazed at how much that will help you....

Come to the blogs and post whatever you want to or need to say.....we want to help.....I think reading as many blogs as I can helps me tremendously.....

I'm up and down, all over this quit.....but this site is what is keeping me grounded....

Welcome, I'm glad you found us : )


Thank all of you! What's your thoughts on vapor cigarette s? To ease out of smoking. Thank all  of you


I will leave your question for others....but let me, if I may, just say this....

A lot isn't known about ecigs yet, but a lot is known about cigarettes, and.....

cigarettes are dangerous, so do what you have to do to get rid of the cigarettes....

just caution you that a lot stills needs to be learned about the safety of the ecig, keep that in mind...

I haven't tried the patch, but many here have had success with that....seems safer than vaping....

whatever you decide, just lose the cigarettes and you will be better off than you are now....wishing you the best : )


Rock, read the free pdf of Allen Carr's book. Go through the steps on this website and make a quit plan. I don't pretend to know everything there is about quitting smoking, but I quit without any nicotine replacement. I wanted to rid myself of the addiction and the only way out is through it made sense to me. When you decide to quit, you will need to retrain your brain. Look at quitting as a great adventure that you've never been on before. We smoked for so many years, we fear the quitting because we don't know anything else. Believe me, the freedom from smoking and killing ourselves with poisonous gasses is WONDERFUL. 

I quit at 58, smoked a pack a day sometimes more for about 40 years of my life. If I can quit, YOU CAN too. I like this site too, it helped me understand that I was NOT GIVING UP ANYTHING, by quitting I was GAINING EVERYTHING.

Understanding nicotine addiction:

Helpful in the first days:


Welcome, Rock, I would imagine you are feeling that welcome pretty strongly.  We are an active group of quitters, we want everyone to succeed and we gladly share what has worked for us.  I agree with everything, read, read, and prepare yourself.  It is a journey and not an event and it is up to you if you make day at a time, sometimes one minute at a time.  Craves don't last more than a couple of minutes and they will go away whether you smoke or not.  Keep coming here, read the blogs, see what has worked for others, make a plan and stick to it.  We are addicts, you are an addict and we need to recognize that and remember it always.



I got the book! Thanks