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The 60 Lessons That Helped Me Quit: - a free online quit smoking forum offering motivation, education, skills development, counseling and serious group support - a free online quit smoking forum offering motivation, education, skills development, counseling and serious group support
Over 60 podcast audio lessons on nicotine addiction & how to beat it.
Listen here or in a standalone player. Scroll for the full playlist.
Also available in Streaming Video or MP3 Downloads for iTunes.



Allen Carr

Excellent British author and cold-turkey stop-smoking clinic guru. Very strong at debunking the myths of smoking and elimating the desire to smoke. His books and videos are an excellent place to start building motivation to quit. Excellent refresher material after you have quit to kill any romanticized notions of smoking.

Link to You Tube intro video
Link to three part You Tube video & Freedom forums

The internet's most comprehensive educational site for cold-turkey nicotine cessation. Started by John Polito based on the 30+ years of cold-turkey stop smoking clinics conducted by Joel Spitzer. This is a no-BS site that includes everything from why to quit, step by step materials on how to quit, and ongoing educational support to stay quit. This site picks up where Allen Carr leaves off with a nuts and bolts how-to-quit guide for every step of the way. This is not a site for feel-good hand-holding. It's a site for people who have tried everything else and are serious about quitting. It consists of the main site and a companion forum that is focused entirely on educational discussions, often referencing the materials on the main site.
Freedom boards link
Index of key topics on Freedom boards
My Cigarette, My Friend
Nicotine Cessation Tips (PDF)
60 Podcast Audio Lessons
Audio Lesson Downloads for iPod
Video versions of above lessons
Joel Spitzer's free book Never Take Another Puff
John Polito's free book Freedom From Nicotine
Guide to the First Week
Nicotine's Lies
Tell a newbie how how many seconds a day you still want a cigarette
The One Puff FIles (or how to stay quit forever)
Freedom's Best Crave Coping Tips
Desperate Addicts Parade: Have You Ever...
Guide to the First 72 Hours

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