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Share your quitting journey

highimamy Archived Profile

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My name is Amy.  I have 3 wonderful children; 26, 11 & amazing husband with an Australian accent, 3 grandsons, and 2 dogs.

I have been toying with quiting for a long time.  I have the little voice that says, 'but you enjoy it so much' during those moments.  (and I do).

I don't smoke much, 2 packs/week.  My justification is that I buy American Spirits and there's no additives.  I truly believe I don't crave as much because of them.  I used to get headaches from regular brands.

I began smoking when I was about 18 and then quit when I was 30.  I started again when I was 35 and it was just recreational.  I really don't know how strong my habit is.  Denial says it's not that bad, but my urges tell me differently.

I am a closet smoker.  My husband, oldest child and a few friends know.  My husband hates that I do it.  We've been married 15 years now.  I hid it from him for a few years and then told him to news because it wore on my guilt.  I smoked less then.  He brought home the health insurance forms the other day and told me he's willing to pay anything to get me to quit.  I know it's not good for me.  I don't want my children to smoke.


Anyway, this is me!  I am all over the place explaining myself.  I hope you can make ends of it.  Thanks for any/every ones support and I hope I can soon be there for others'.

Brief Description

ME!  Mom, Wife, Homemaker!


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biking, family time, alternative health, up and coming ex!  🙂


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