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help with stress

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This is not a plea to help me not smoke.  This is for advice on how to deal with stress when all of my other methods are gone.  Before 106 days ago, I smoked to relieve stress.  I also played tennis.  It helped  quite a bit.  Then I thankfully quit smoking and adding running to the mix to help me deal with stress.  Running and tennis just about did in my knee and I've been sidelined from both for about the past 6 weeks.  So issues at work heated up and I found myself with no physical outlet.  I didn't go back to smoking and I don't want to.  while I've gained some weight, I don't really focus on that aspect at the moment.  I realized last week as I could barely open my mouth from TMJ pain, that I'm really not releasing my stress in any measurable way right now (yes, have a night gaurd).  Then this weekend, I came down with shingles.  Ugh.  My body is revolting in ways I don't want it to but I can't seem to stop it.  I don't have the luxury of stopping life's stressors and know I can only change myself in how I react to them.  However, the only two ways I knew how to do it are not an option and the shite just keeps piling up.  I'm not worried about smoking as I have no urge to do it, but I just don't know what else I can do at this juncture.  I've tried staying home from work, can't do yoga now b/c of knee, fall asleep meditating, don't care for chocolate, can't hike, etc.  I don't mean to be a downer, but I'm at a loss in how I can relieve stress right now.  I would love to hear suggestions.  Thanks.