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Share your quitting journey

had four today

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well I put up at 5:30 pm last night thatI quit but had Four Cig today:( that is about a quater from where I normally am  and it is now 6:05 pm I just have to say to my self "I do but I won't I I wan't to but I won't" I Can doi this. My husband is a big suport  for me and we just got married last month and want to live a long smopke free life together




Hi Shane, if you want to live a long smokefree life together, you've got to make the commitment to quit and stick to it. 🙂 When I quit I left a new sealed pack of cigarettes and a lighter on my entryway bench. I told myself every day "I can smoke if I want to. I CHOOSE not to right now." This plan does not work for everybody but I am close to 100 days now without a single puff ever. I have no desire to smoke anymore. I smelled a cigarette at a red light this evening and it gave me a headache. You can do this!!!! NOPE: Not One Puff Ever




Shane - You might want to do some preparation before the lots of blogs here. I like the web site - - plus Allen Carr's book - The Easy Way to Stop Smoking. Stick around here for support!


Sshane - it sounds like you may need to educate yourself about the nicotine addiction. Go to the places Strudel suggested and learn. Track you cigarettes as this program suggests and set your quit date to give yourself a chance to wrap your head around your quit.  It's good that you have support from your spouse, many don't.  Keep reading the blogs and writing as well to let us know how you are doing. You CAN do this. We can help.



Thanks for the advice every one only Two today