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Share your quitting journey

go away you stupid craving ahhh!!!!!

0 7 33

i have tryed to read that book like everyone has said but my attention span is not that long and i got bored and tired of reading is there a way to listen to it on audio please let me know i thought i was good and over my cravings but last night it was horrable but i am now on day 20 because i did not give in at all i wanted too but i didn't and thats the good part but at night time is the worst it is getting a little harder then i thought it would be but i have made it to day 20 but it diffently is not easy doing it cold turkey so it's hard but i am doing it it should get easier though my new mouse and mouse pad are in today so i will be able to play my games again so it is all good just harder then i thought it would be now that i am at 20 days i thought it would get easier but it's not ahh oh well but i am going to stay possitive and make it threw


Stay strong, you're doing great!  Go re-read your blog from yesterday -- remember how good you felt? There will be good days and bad days but the only way out is to KEEP GOING!  

20 days cold turkey, the nicotine is out of your system and you're over most of the physical withdrawal, now you need to focus on the emotional and behavioral parts of quitting. Remember, you have a CHOICE every time!  You're not missing anything, you are CHOOSING not to smoke, CHOOSING to reject cigarettes! 

Stick with us, you can do this! 


time is the healer...give this the time


Reward yourself!  Think of a special kind of treat that you only get for overcoming a craving.  It's a behavioral modification technique that has proven very effective. 


Hi Meg,

There is an audio version of Alen Carr's book. I down loaded it to my kindle. Think I paid less than $8 for it. I got speakers for my kindle and got through it in a short time. Only thing is, it's monotone. Hang in there. 🙂


You can also try the 10 lesson course at

Similar concept – but maybe easier to get through.


you can do it just hang in is my 6th day just get up and take a walk.i know you feel better,just be proud of yourself


This is a journey that will have peaks and valleys.  You need to enjoy the peak days and just get through the valley days - a minute, an hour at a time, if necessary.  Remember to distract yourself through a crave.  Go for a walk, take slow, deep breaths, name the states alphabetically, do a few jumping jacks, play a computer game or do a crossword puzzle, crochet or knit if you know how and if you don't - go online and LEARN!  If you need some more fresh ideas, visit my page - there are lists of 114 things to do instead of smoke!

Hang in there - it DOES get easier - I promise!


Quit 7/4/12