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first real test today - FRUSTRATION

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OK so other than the anticipated withdrawal, things have been going swimingly... no big drama in my life, pretty smooth sailing.  life is pretty ho hum right now. not much changes day in and day out.  no big tests to my smobriety yet, other than the usual cravings to be expected.

UNTIL TODAY.  day 29. end of the work day.  interaction with a co-worker that left me fuming with self-righteous anger that I dare never express.  3 hours later, at home, still fuming.  playing it over in my mind, imagining what I'd say if I had the chance. tried sitting quietly, letting it go. tried doing something physical, getting it out of my system.  my lungs are screaming "JUST SMOKE AND YOU'll FEEL SO MUCH BETTER!"  and of course I WILL NOT EVER, NOT ONE PUFF. 

But what do I do with this pent up pissiness? Smoking was so PERFECT FOR THAT.  Ya' know?  I swear I'm usually a nice person........