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dragging my butt but NOT dragging on a butt!

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I was up at 5 o'clock it's taking me hours to actually get moving but that's A Okay and it's no big deal that I've been dragging my butt trying to get moving at least I'm not sucking on a damned cancer stick YAY for that! I'm so glad I don't do that anymore! I wonder at times why it took me 40 years of slavery sucking on at least 30 cancer sticks a day before I finally wised up but I finally did and I'm never ever going back to another day ONE EVER BUT each and every day WON IS PURE FREEDOM! YAY for each and every one of us for giving ourselves the Gift of LIFE! It sure as hell wasn't easy BUT it sure as hell was AND is worth it! Hummm I believe my coffee has finally kicked in 😊 I wish each of you reading this a stressfree hasslefree smokefree and or vapefree or dipfree day....








Good Morning

I drag my butt (not Cigarette) every morning as I am retired and I love wasting 2 hours in the morning and not running out the door.

I did Hatha which is a very gentle Yoga some years ago and I found a place here that offers it so I start Monday night. My old body needs to get back in to being more flexible again for stability and health. Funny how as we get older we loose a lot of that flexibility. 

Excuses or Results.....yep no excuse to smoke and no excuse not to take care of my body


Thanks @jonimarie I've never heard of Hatha I'm going to Google it! 🤔 I'm 64 and definitely not very flexible anymore ugh! My mind says lets do all this work that needs done but my body says don't be an idiot! 😌


@MarilynH & @jonimarie I'm a morning person, so I get moving early.  Already walked the dog and headed out shortly to try and do some yard work before it rains ago.  I drag my butt later in the day.  I hate starting a project later in the day, but have lately due to weather.  Don't bother me, say, after 3 or 4.  It's my chilling time.

@jonimarie Enjoy your class.

Have a good day.  



It is Mother's Day week-end in the U.S. Hope you celebrate with some R&R.  Praying you feel better.  You are the best.


Thanks @Barbscloud it's so good to get moving first thing in the morning then chilling out in the afternoon, give Charlie a big belly scratching for me okay! Even though I've never been a morning person I've always liked to get things done the earlier the better so it's out of the way. Thank you @Barbara145 I appreciate you and everyone of you here on EX. 🤗


The sun is peaking out, but just for a few hours this morning, so I will be getting my actual butt in gear and trying to get some gardening done before it disappears and it starts raining - again, yet, still!

Glad we are taking care of us and not smoking anymore!



Happy Saturday.  Going to the ballpark today and looking forward to it.  Just thinking that, last weekend was a washout with all the rain.  Have a blessed, smokefree day.


Results in prayer to my God help me to stay nicotine free today and He does as I try to help others to nope just like you dear friend @MarilynH  

Thanks for sharing today I appreciate you 


I also ask God to keep me nicotine free.So far Im 6 weeks smoke free.THANK YOU GOD


Having a rough day today, I need to quit for so many reasons medically! I need surgery and the insurance is giving me a hard time because of smoking. I’m begging God to deliver me from these horrible addicting things!! I know with God all things are possible! 


Thanks @indingrl I appreciate you too, you've been a huge support for me and so many others here more than you probably realize! A super congratulations on your precious quit journey @lisaboz1972 YAY for 6 splendiferous smokefree weeks you're doing great! Stay close @moongoddesss78 if you haven't had the chance yet please read everything you can because there's a wealth of information right here on this site to strengthen your resolve to kick the nicotine poison to the curb permanently it's definitely not easy but thankfully it's also doable AND totally worth it to be Free, you've got this believe it and we're all here to help you in any way we can! 




@MarilynH I am 69 and have noticed my flexibility and balance deteriorating over the last few years. Yoga is really good for that. Unfortunately I am not good about a morning stretch routine on my own. So I hope I like this class as I will do it once a week. I walk everyday and bike in the summer but that is not enough for balance flexibility. And I walk and bike much slower than I used to but tell myself all that matters is I am moving.  


@Barbscloud I am up by 6 usually but since retired putter around for an hour or so before I get doing something. Come the hot weather I more than likely will get my walk in shortly after I get up.


@moongoddesss78 @lisaboz1972 Welcome

If you're interested, there is  Faith & Spirituality - EX Community   group where you can share your beliefs.



Thank you @moongoddesss78  I pray too no worries and welcome

NotOnePuffEver one breathe at a time

Thank you @lisaboz1972 

Welcome and 6 nope weeks is good my dear and congratulations

I thank God and  Praise God too for staying NOPE one breathe at a time 




About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....