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Share your quitting journey

days 5 and 6

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Yesterday was day 5 for me and a very busy day at work, we had our monthly cabaret show yesterday which turns a normally busy night into an insane one, and I work a long shift on Saturdays anyway, so I tried to really prepare myself. I managed to go for a jog on my dinner break, and stayed cheerful through the busy night until the last hour of my shift when a difficult customer and a misunderstanding with a coworker made me cry. I immediately took some deep breaths and used an extra nicotine lozenge and tried to remember that the overwhelming feelings would pass and smoking wouldn't help. It was hard but I got through it.


Today, day 6, was pretty uneventful, although I notice that I'm starting to get angrier when I have cravings. This could just be due to my normal sleep-deprivation weekend work schedule though, as I'm usually cranky and tired on Sundays. Work was calm today, so that was nice. I put on a 7mg patch and a big angry monkey face bandaid over it (the patch was on my upper arm, I was wearing a sleeveless dress and I thought the bandaid would be funny). Went to the gym and ran around the lake after work and realized when I got home that the bandaid adhesive wasn't as strong as the nicotine patch and I lost both somewhere while exercising! Oops. Tonight I got all my grocery shopping done for the week and am looking forward to falling asleep watching a movie. I am really appreciating not smelling like smoke, and how good my body feels! Hope everyone had a good weekend!