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Share your quitting journey

cant do it

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I quit smoking in october not by choice my doctor said i would die if i didnt so after being in the hospital and in icu for14 days i decided to quit .As of right now ive cheated 4 times and cant seem to let them go.Does this happing to a lot of smokers trying to quit



                                        thanks christine


You have to believe you can Christine.


Dear Christine,

Yes, of course this happens to other smokers. You know this. And you also know that yes, you can quit. YES YOU CAN! We all have relapses. I quit last June. Was smoke free for a month then went back again. I've smoked for 40 something years. I've quit again, and this time I know I will make it as I just am so thoroughly disgusted with myself, I don't even want to look at a cig. Your health is all that's important. It's the foundation of our lives. If your doctor has already said you will die if you don't quit, then this all boils down to how much you love yourself and how much you want to stay here on this earth plane.

I still have cravings. I am depressed. I know my health has been compromised already since I've smoked for so many years. I watched my mother die of lung cancer and yes, she smoked. But all I can do is go forward, the same as you. I refuse to buy a pack. I refuse to ask anyone to give me a cig. In fact, I ask my smoking friends and family to go outside as I can't smell it right now without wanting one. I'm drinking lots of water. And trying to eat healthier.

Christine, will you do this, too? Will you be my partner in quitting? Will you make a solemn pledge with me that today is the day we will finally and forever become non-smokers?

I hope you will. Because I need all the support I can get, too.



You also have to want to for yourself. Not just because your doctor said so.  If you need help consider medication or NRT.


Hello, Christine! Quitting because of fear alone is just not enough for a Successful Quit!!! You have to change your Perspective about Smoking Addiction and realize that quitting isn't about deprivation - it's about giving yourself a new start on life! My guess is that you haven't read whyquit,com or My guess is that you still think of the Cigarette as your friend - even though it is killing you! You deserve to FREE yourself not just from Physical Addiction but from Mental Addiction! I suggest that you seriously give it another try but with a different outlook! This is NOT about giving up your favorite crutch - it's about being FREE  from your worst enemy!!! READ READ READ Change your perspective! Your LIFE depends on it!


Hey Christine...ya know what has helped me tremendously was changing the way I thought.  If you think you can't do it, then you're likely not going to do it BUT if you think I can do this....more likely you WILL do it!

If you've not researched all the information on this website please start immediately!  That's what has helped me alot! My Mom was admitted to the hospital a few months ago with respiratory problems caused by smoking and she smoked for 40 years and was up to 3 packs per day.  The doctor informed her that she MUST quit or it's just a tick-tock game of life.... SO she quit smoking & drinking (she's also an alcoholic) COLD TURKEY, a few months ago.  Her 59th birthday was on December 3rd, and do you know what she wanted from her daughter as a b-day gift? She was hoping I'd quit.  I told her that I would ATTEMPT it on that coming Monday (which was December 6th) and I kept my word.... Today is day # 15... and I used the patch for the first couple fo weeks.  Please retrain your brain to be happy again without ciggs.... You haven't smoked YOUR ENTIRE LIFE... there was once a time in your life when you did not smoke.... You had to have SOME happy memories during those times right?  Think about them!!   You can be there again!  I'm rootting for ya Christine! 


Stop trying and do it!  After being in the ospital for 14 days smoke free it's a shme you've smoked but now is the time to put them down for good. You'll be amazed at how much better you feel after a very short period of time. Check out this site:  It is a free online smoking cessation program that even suggests that you keep smoking until you have completed the course! If offer a very positive approach to quitting that many on this site have found useful.

Best wishes to you - come back iften to let us know how you are doiing!


YES YOU CAN.  Change your mindset.  That's definitely a self-fulfilling prophecy.  If you tell yourself you can't, you surely won't.  It's scary to make that commitment but YOU CAN DO IT.  We've all been where you are.  Read, educate and come here often, especially in the beginning.  This is such a wonderful place for support and encouragement and education.  You can let them go. Make the decision and start living a wonderful new life.  Merry Christmas.


For me to quit after smoking for 40 years - I realized how important it was to prepare ahead of time. I wanted to KNOW I could quit - not hope, not try - really KNOW I was doing it. So I came here - read lots and lots of blogs - I learned so much! I then read the course at: and I read Allen Carr's book ("The Easy Way..."). Read, read, read! By the time I did all that - I was excited to quit - after 40 YEARS of being an idiot! So - you CAN do this! Today is 191 days I have been quit - and I feel great!!


Christine---Thomas has said read,read,read,about this terrible addiction and how to beat it. Strudel has given you some sources---also try (EXCELLENT). Do not put it off---do it now. Do not title any more blogs "can't do it"----that's the wrong thinking!!!! I quit after smoking almost 30 years. YOU MUST QUIT as your doctor has said but here's the thing---when you do---you will be so happy that you did you will wonder why you EVER smoked!!!!!

It can be done. People write that relapses happen and they do BUT----the more times you allow a relapse the further off you push the time when you will quit. Do you have enough time? None of us knows that. Read Kelly's blog from today....we never know what cigarrette is the one that starts the lung cancer, the heart failure, the stroke.