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well cleared out my page and going to start ofer AGAIN.  gota say that after quitting for 2 months and thinking i had it beat only to slip, has made it very difficult to quit again.  How do i get that confidence back?  i really believed i would never smoke again and then i did.  so now when i get ready to quite ," the whats the point  your just gona slip again question comes to mind."

advice from anyone that has went through this?


Donna, you just got to keep trying. Sooner or later it will stick. They say it can take several attempts. I know. Just say NOPE. You WILL do this if you want it ....and we know you do.


Hi Donna and welcome back.  It takes a lot of courage to do what you are doing.  You know it is what you need to do.

I had not used this site, but before I came here I had quit for two years.  Then I made a move, a relocation and started smoking again.  I smoked a whole year.  All the while I remembered what it was like to not smoke.  I did not know how I was going to get the support I needed this time.

Somehow I found this site.  I do not remember how it happened.  I believe God brought me here.  My Higher Power if you will.  Anyway, Reading, blogging, commenting, whinning, listening, following the advice, sometimes threats (lol) of the other people here... everyone has the BEST intentions.  I now have 407 days of being smoke-free!

This site can help you quit if you work it.  Protect Your Quit Donna.


thanks zina and denise.  i was gona quit next monday but when i went to the  set a quite date sight  it suggested i wait till after vacation, and my daughters graduating so i set a date of June 18th.  that gets me past vacation and her graduation. 

So now for the next month is the time to prepare. 

before i relapsed i was walking and doing yoga every day and feeling so great!  i felt 10 years younger.  didn't take long for those healthy lifestyle activities to stop after i started smoking again.  so gona start those again.

gona also start journaling too and tracking my smoking.  i also quite the patch after 6 weeks,  i just didnt think i needed them anymore.  this time im following their recomendations and staying on each step the right amount of time.

thanks again ladies for your support.


Donna,  you know, I can't really agree with waiting till after vacation or graduation.  I'm sure there are benefits to doing this during a less stressful time but the more time you spend smoking after those two months the harder it will be to start.

If it were me I would do it now. You know the deal, you know how this will feel, and you know you can do it.  Jump right in.  Life will happen and stress is not helped by nicotine, so you can do this. 

Before quitting forever about 18 months ago, I was a serial quitter.  I think I was intending to quit for most of the 30 plus years I smoked. 


You have to remember it's highly addictive and you didn't like to smoke anyway...aside from a little hit of dopamine,you were only going back to the drug you were addicted to...THAT"S because the relief a smoker feels is not true relaxation,it is the relief of not going into withdrawal...Oh's just a chemical dependency Donna...a chemical and you believed the lies of the addiction in a weak moment...if you can figure out what happened (in your head) at that moment...what were you thinking? This is what you need to fix so it doesn't happen again and you will be prepared...xoxo 


Patty is right also. You are waiting too long...there will not ever be a less stressful time...You planned on Monday! Let's get you going Donna! xoxo


I agree Donna.  There will not be a 'less' stressful time.  This is LIFE!  There was a song by John Lennon in which he said 'Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans'.  That line just always stuck with me.  Let's keep Monday sweety.  What do you say?  Protect That Quit.  Protect That Desire to Quit.


oh Donna, you can do it. no need to take too long time to get preparation. you are so stronger than smoke. 30 days is long... after 30 days it would not be easyer...!!!!! so why you lose the time?? think yourself alone.... its time to quit. just believe in yourself. do you know i was quit 110days ? i think not... last 1 year i quit almost 100 times. when i failed, i stand up again on this day. i dont take 2/3 days to get preparation. because i hate smoking. 30 days you smoke!!!!! how can you alow this???!!!! you know the bad effect of smoking... donna.. please not more than 2 days. or as soon as you make your mind to quit. its better. you can do it. you can do it.


I agree, no reason to wait.  You need to realize that you are not giving something up, you are freeing yourself from an addiction.  Don't believe the lies the nicodemon will tell you about missing smoking.  It's not true.  Smoking causes withdrawal.  If you never smoke again, after three days you will never crave one again physically.  It is all in the mind.  did you read Allen Carr's free ebook?  It really helped me get the right mindset to stay quit.

Allen Carr's Easy Way To Stop Smoking (Download free PDF E-Book) | Joga sveikatai


Every cigarette is going you damage...

you screwed up.. you know it and you just have to QUIT.

The longer you wait, the more you will dwell on it. This is not an open ticket to keep on smoking...

Throw them away and take back your FREEDOM!



it gets harder and harder for me to quit every time i go back to smoking,  we can do it,

i had a18 month quit i blew it by having one everyone told me to get right back on took me a few trys but i now finally have it,i have 8 inhalf months smokefree and i do crave once in a while. but it gets better dont wait only makes it harder glad i jumped right back in
i had a18 month quit i blew it by having one everyone told me to get right back on took me a few trys but i now finally have it,i have 8 inhalf months smokefree and i do crave once in a while. but it gets better dont wait only makes it harder glad i jumped right back in
i had a18 month quit i blew it by having one everyone told me to get right back on took me a few trys but i now finally have it,i have 8 inhalf months smokefree and i do crave once in a while. but it gets better dont wait only makes it harder glad i jumped right back in
i had a18 month quit i blew it by having one everyone told me to get right back on took me a few trys but i now finally have it,i have 8 inhalf months smokefree and i do crave once in a while. but it gets better dont wait only makes it harder glad i jumped right back in

this is life and death donna.

your life.

have you ever heard me say that after the first 30 days people start getting cocky and think they've got it beat?

have you heard me state the you have to go a full 4 months minimum to get past most of the surprise attacks?

have you heard that drinking lowers the inhibitions of most quitters and if you are drinking you will probably throw your quit away?

why try i'm just gonna slip again anyway is not a question, its a defeatist attitude.

it's giving yourself an excuse to fail before you ever get started.

you didn't fail because you got off the patch too early, you failed because you chose to smoke. that thinking shows you want to depend on the patch for your quit rather than yourself. thats putting the success in the power of something else and taking the responsibility off of you. just another excuse.

what can you blame if you do the whole length of the patch and choose to smoke again?

what if you do the prescribed length of the patch 10 more times and choose to smoke each time after?

what will you blame?

who's fault is it going to be?


the only way this works is if you take responsibility for your thoughts and actions


Donna, I think that you need to jump right back on the horse again. We are addicts and addicts like their drugs. We don't need them, we want them. Do your activies that you were doing and do some other things that you enjoy as well. These things will take up any extra time you have.


Donna,  I know how depressing it can be when you have a relapse.  Everyone here has given you the best advice....get back in the saddle and put those darn cigarettes away before you are completely hooked again.  The longer you delay the quit date...the harder it will be for you. 


only you can do it.  Just decide to be done and you will be.   There's nothing more to it than that.  You CAN DO it.  JUST BE DONE.