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Share your quitting journey

aolski Archived Profile

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49 years old, and have smoked for 30 years. I want to be free.

***  Quit Day and Time:  December 15, 2015, 10 pm PST ***

If you are reading this, please find a way to quit. 

I used another support site to get the support and help I needed for my quit, as I did not "gel" with the people here on this site my first week.  I felt ganged up on and it was not a way for me to begin my quit.  The person or people that "Welcome" people to this site were having a very bad day, but it is not for me to judge - that is their karma to deal with. 

Ultimately, please use whatever tools you can find, whatever web site you like, if you need face to face meetings, find a NA (Nicontine Anonymous) meeting in your area, check with your local hospitals, 1-800-NO-BUTTS, google on the internet...  Whatever it takes to get the help and support you needed to suceed in your quit.  Never give up....  If I had given up, I would still be smoking.

If you cannot do it cold turkey, then go pay a visit to your doctor and get some patches, some gum, lozenges, chantix, or whatever you need to get your quit and to keep your quit.  I know they advocate cold turkey here, but, really, it doesnt matter as long as you quit and stay quit.

I wish you all well!  Good luck and God's speed!


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