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answers for my last blog

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Thank you all for the comments, yes i am still craving and still thinking about it alot, i just feel like giving up, im struggling with if i care enough about myself to stay quit. and i know if i start again  i will hate myself (besides being embarassed)  which will make me smoke double and start drinking again to ease the shame.  at that point i would just be heading down a dangerous self destructive path.  i read johnscarp blog about NML.. and yep thats exactly where i am.. 130 days?? really.. thats not til the beginning of august for me.. geezzz im gonna continue to feel like this throughout most of the summer #killme. i do have the alan carr book, i havnt read it in over a year, maybe i will  again for mental support. and yes i have been only coming here and blogging once a month to check in because i swear the last couple of months i had this under control, i did not need support.i had no craves, i never thought or talked about smoking, these craves came out of no where, i am quite surprised by them, so i find myself here again , and reading and researching about it all over again. and yes there is no support in my environment anymore, there wasnt any from the start but i guess everyone figures im over it. so its just alot to deal with alone, i find myself constantly stressed about not smoking , and wanting to smoke to ease the stress. go figure huh... i have to  make it thru this, this is my forever quit, but i cannot imagine feeling like this for any longer, this is extremely hard. it really is a constant daily battle. alot of work. who wants to deal with this. its so much easier just to smoke, this is where our strenght is tested. i need all the support i can get at this crucial time in my quit. congrats to all of you who has made it past NML.


I would like to invite you to go to my page and read my old blogs from when I was in NML. They might help.

We would urge you to come here and scream for help when you want to light one. We will do everything we can to help you keep from lighting that death stick. We are all on this journey together and must help each other.

I am the Caravan Master here in NML. I will do everything in my power to help you across the desert.

Take it one day at a time my friend.

Remember, the journey of 1,000,000 miles begins with one step.

One step, and then another, will get you to where you want to be.

Larry the Caravan Master


You  can do this.  What you are going through is preparing you for your addiction free life.  I went through it.  Dale says "The only way out is through." I am so over cigarettes.  I smoked for 52 years.  I never thought I would be over it.  This site got me there.  You must come here every day.  Hang on it gets GOOD.


No you aren't necessarily going to feel this way all summer.

You will if you focus on smoking but there are normally long stretches between for most.

I would venture that most people have no more than 10 bad days out of the 130 unless they are focused on smoking instead of just letting it happen and allowing enough time for it to happen.

Hang in there


No!  No!  No! Take a bite out of a lemon (rind and all), stick your head in the freezer and take deep breaths, change your thinking ---- if you think you WILL smoke, then you will!  Go for a walk - play a computer game.

Did I mention "change your thinking?"  Your thoughts above sound like someone talking themselves INTO smoking.  Don't think that way!  Think about the health benefits of not smoking; think of the money you are saving and plan to buy a treat for yourself, or think how nice it is that you don't smell like an ashtray anymore, and that you don't feel like an outcast when people see you outside or when you stink entering a full elevator after yous moke.

There are so many good reasons to hang in there - and ZERO reasons to smoke.

Get busy!



Ugh! The cravings do suck but they pass, right? You've come so far and made HUGE changes to improve the quality of your life! I know this is hard but you're on point, friend! Do whatever it takes to beat the cravings... holler at me if you need to vent! 


Great Job giving a description of what NML is really like...and if you did not know any better you would just throw your hands up and smoke.  Nic planned this out to wait long enough to make you think it was so easy.... then POW...  ok.... don't let the little creep play with your mind... make it through this one and it will get better.   Eveyone has walked through NML... and if they do ... well, they get to the other side.  Testing, testing .. one, two, three.... Relax .. learn to let the waves flow over you... not SMASH into you .. you will be through this soon and you know what .... you will never have to smoke again... start counting all the money you are saving... put it in a jar and start planning your reward as you enter into the 6% club.



ALL of the above.  Just keep reminding yourself that you don't do that anymore and try to understand that this WILL pass, if you LET it.  If you spend all of your time white knuckling the craves, you actually make them stronger.  Craves feed on fear and indecision, they can be kicked to the curb by using any one of the suggestions here.  It's so worth it and it does get easier.


130 days ! That's great ! Don't you start listening to that addicted self, she wasn't  Happier or free from stress, don't sabotage your quit by clinging on to that old way of thinking.

Remind yourself that you smoked for a long time ,so it well take some time to build new memories , better healthier ones . I know you can do it , I went through these feeling too. 

Just keep pushing through , you well be so glad you did .


Time takes time-you smoked for 22 years - you won't feel like this always -these craves came out of nowhere and they will return to nowhere. You should be proud of yourself you are doing great with your quit. Don't think about all summer think about staying smoke free today. Tomorrow think about staying smoke free tomorrow. August will come and go and Septerber will too Stay the smoke free course one day at a time .When the 1st day of autumn arrives you will see.You will have made it 130 days and completed your 1st smoke free summer. You can do it. 


Everyone has given you great advice -- I just want to address your statement that it would be easier to smoke.  If you think about it, that's just not true.  If you smoke you will be thinking about quitting again, so your mind wouldn't be free.  If you smoke you will be spending money you haven't had to spend for a couple of months.  If you smoke you will have to go through those early days agaIn if you start a new quit, and if you don't you will sending yourself down the path to lung damage, and prematurely aging or dying.  This is a fight you're fighting with yourself, and you can win or lose -- your choice.

I so hope you choose to win!

You can do it! Donna is right it would be easy to pick up a fig but hatred to face what you gave up! I made it through and Dale is right not everyday needs to be so bad as so many here have said .....change your thinking when a crave hits there are times that I miss smoking it is ok to admit those feelings but remember how much you want to quit and all the reasons that you did quit and have made it so far. One day at a time you can do it!