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Share your quitting journey

Will they stop?

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Its been about four days since I've had a cigarette. I didn't intend on quitting for another couple of weeks (or until the end of the carton I bought) but I came down with a cold and the cigarette smoke was hurting my throat. I decided to stop smoking. I wish I could say it was my own decision to stop smoking, but truth is if I hadn't gotten sick, I never would have. I've also had help stopping by reading EASYWAY that a few members reccomneded on my last blog (thank you for that!). 

Even though I haven't lit a single cigarette for the past four days, I'm still getting cravings. Some of the cravings are triggered.. and some of them are just there. Some are easy to over come and some of them are... hard. I have to stop and talk my way out of smoking a cigarette. I don't want to smoke a cigarette. They're gross. I gain NOTHING from smoking.. but here I am wanting one. I know that's the addiction part but I'm so scared. I'm so scared these cravings will last for the rest of my life and I'll have to live like this.. constantly trying to talk myself out of it. I guess I need a little bit of support. So far.. you guys are all I have.

Will the cravings stop?


Yes they will but you need to realize that quitting smoking is not a single event. It's a journey that takes time just like any journey. It would be nice if we could just quit and not feel any discomfort but if that were the case, nobody would still be smoking. You need to take this thing one minute, one hour, one day at a time. You already have four days stacked up - the nicotine has been removed from your system- hurdle #1 jumped!!  Do not think about the future events and how you will handle them without smoke. That is counterproductive and I guarantee the fear of it is 100 times worse than it actually will be.

Keep yourself busy and distracted. Every time I felt like I wanted to smoke I said OUT LOUD "Oh yea I don't smoke any more. YAY me!"

I'm on day 467 now and you can get there too. One day at a time. Keep moving forward and keep them away from your face (as Dale would and probably will say)


It definitely gets easier, we promise and just remember we're not Allen Carr, but I still stand by everything he wrote. My daughter smoked for years, woke up one morning wheezing said she's never going to smoke again and she didn't. That was eight months ago and it's like it never affected her, the early days for me, there were some days you couldn't pull me off the ceiling.

Everyone is different, but it's what you're thinking that will help. One of my favorites from the elders is you can't die from quitting...

Fannie Day 72


i put a link to my pge on your message borad that explains the process and the time nvolved but i can't make you read it,


It does get easier and those cravings will not last you're whole life. The longer you go without, the easier it will get. Carry the EasyWay around with you if you have to. Highlight the main ideas that mean the most to you. Also, there is an EasyWay App. Don't be scared, everything will be ok. Try to remember that there is not one problem in this world that a cigarette will fix.


Congrats on your quit! Get rid of that are 4 days into this - go for it! Yes. It will get really will! Just remember - N.O.P.E. - Not One Puff Ever! You are doing this - stay close! Another great source of info is the free course at -


Get rid of the carton... I, too, wanted to quit but had not even really set a date...the date was set FOR me when I got so sick that I could not breathe and I mean that literally.  I should have been in the hospital but I refused to go, I am just lucky I made it through that illness.  There were 8 packs left in my carton and several cigarettes in an opened pack.  The carton, lighters, ashtrays, and coupons went to a friend who smokes and is not likely to ever quit.  The opened pack was doused with water and torn apart.  It IS a journey and chances are you did not like your first cigarette and had to teach yourself to's time to take care of yourself and teach yourself the exact opposite.  The craves are tough the first few days but they absolutely do get weaker and farther apart and they will actually go away whether you smoke or's true.  Drink lots and lots of water, it will help you get over the cravings and it will also help you to get well.  Don't smoke, this was actually a "gift" to you, just like it was to me.  Toss the cigarettes and be prepared to start your life actually feeling, smelling, and doing things! Best to you, Ellen


I almost never bought cigarettes by the carton- I always bought 2 or 3 packs at a time -just in case I would decide to quit! I did that for over 30 years-don't worry about wasting money on the unsmoked packs in your carton-think of the money you are saving by stopping sooner. The craving will stop here is a link with some info that may help you to deal with it You are doing great with 4 days already! You can do it-one day at a time.


You might go read my blog about acceptance.  It's 'part iii'.   There are some parts of it that may help with this.  

But yes it will pass.  Hang in there!



for helping me to quit, and hopefully stay quit. I greatly appreciate all of your support and could seriously cry right now. This is one of the hardest things I've ever done and it means so much to me that you guys are here. Thank you so much!


read jonescarp aka Dale's blogs and his page.  stay with us.  we are here.  you CAN do this.  it does get WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY better with time.  You are just in the first few days.  this is a journey.

Stay with it!  The rewards are worth it and I promise it gets SO much better with time.