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When It's damp & dreary I bake bread lol!

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Since I've been around for almost 10 years many of you know that I'm a bread baker mostly because my hubby Mark won't eat store bought bread lol! 😃 and most likely the grandchildren wouldn't be too pleased either ha ha! Anyway I'm rambling. It's a damp dark dismal dank dreary drizzly morning it's supposed to be rainy most of the day so as the old saying goes if life gives you lemons you're supposed to make lemonade BUT for me it's a dozen loaves of bread and a pan of rolls lol!😃 which will keep me busy  for most of the day AND that's a good thing especially since there's only one loaf of bread left in the freezer so YAY! Lucky for me since I've become full of arthritis Mark has been stirring up the bread for the last few years BUT I still do the rest! On the 25th of April Mark will be celebrating 10 years of smokefree living YAY then I'll join him on the 14th of July YAY! No Matter how much time we have under our belts I'll always, always, always PUSH VIGILANCE YEP I'm gonna for sure, for myself as well as everyone here because I want each of us to always remember AND ~ N.E.F ~ Never Ever Forget > JUST how horrid it was in those early stages of our quits because NONE of us has to ever go back to another day ONE EVER BUT each and every day WON is TRULY THE GIFT OF LIFE! I found AND still find  keeping my mind as well as my hands busy is an awesome distraction for whatever is going on, for today I'll get my bread made then possibly kick back this afternoon PLUS I won't have to bake bread for another week or so YAY! Life happens BUT relapsing isn't the answer EVER!





About the Author
I'm a proud Gram of 2 grandsons and a granddaughter and I consider myself a jack of all trades and a master of none, plus I enjoy reading and being outside and since quitting smoking breathing is so much easier because I'm not coughing half of my time sucking on a cancer stick....