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Share your quitting journey

What will you do without cigarettes

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What will you do without cigarettes . How will you live without them ? 

You will start doing your bucket list early . You know , you may have extended your life by years !  You might have had time to do one thing on that bucket list before you died and now that bucket list can be longer ! It is a new beginning to do the things you always dreamed of and never had time or money for . 

You can start a special savings account right now . You can walk to the bank every day or every week and make that cash deposit . No more withdrawals at your bank machine with a service fee on top for a lousy carton of cigarettes you know is a waste of money . We can see that it’s a waste of money first hand by the ashes we flicked off after every cigarette and every puff . Poof gone .  It gave us nothing . We had nothing of value to show for that cigarette . 

You can live a smoke free life which gives you freedom from the guilt and shame and fear you have been carrying being a smoker .

You will have the courage to do things you didn’t have courage for before . Perhaps a new job , a new investment , a first plane ride , cruise or vacation .. what you were lacking in motivation will be confidence and belief in yourself to do the things you thought you couldn’t . 

Don’t let addiction hold you back . Put it behind you and it will push you forward .

I can’t wait to hear how quitting has changed your life and done just that .