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Share your quitting journey

What will you do for your Quit?

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When I was a Smoker I would do just about anything in order to have a Sickerette! Leave a Family Gathering? Sure, I'll be back soon! Walk out on my Son's baseball game? Well yeah, but just for a minute (or two or ten...)Desert my Wife in the middle of a Movie? She'll understand, won't she?

When I "quit" in the past I made myself a promise - I won't sacrifice my lifestyle and friendships for my quit! I can have BOTH! And I can tell you that is EXactly what cost me my Quit!!!! 

My quit journey IS a Lifestyle Change! If I'm not willing to change my lifestyle and yes, the nature of my friendships, then I might as well just keep right on smoking!

 Hanging out with the smoking crowd on breaks, chumming around with my smoking neighbors on weekends - while they puff away - just doesn't work! 

It's not about snobbery! It's the reality of Second Hand Smoke! Besides the myriad dangers of Second Hand Smoke ( lung cancer, heart attack, stroke, COPD, etc,) being around smoke will physically trigger my addictive processes all over again! That's not a risk I am willing to take!

This is a LIFESTYLE Change! You will be a very surprising person if you can hang out around smoke every day and not fall off the wagon! If you were giving up Alcohol would you hang out in a bar every weekend? Of course not!

We are ADDICTS, Folks! I want my Quit more than I want to feed myself deadly second hand smoke! This is FOR LIFE!

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1