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Week 2 - BOOM.

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Helllooo everyone! I am happy to annouce that week 2 has passed. For some reason though, yesterday was particulary hard. I believe this was because it was a hard day at work. Sometimes, if I have a hard day of cravings, I feel as though my energy rapidly decreases with the amount it takes to overcome craving after craving. It was hard yesterday as I had twice as many. I think yesterday was one of the worst days of my quit. I felt extremely tired by the time I got home and it was simply because I was focusing so hard on other things to get my mind off smoking that I wore myself out. Today is easier but I'm more on edge because my guard is a bit lower today. 

Still, with that said, I have gotten through 2 weeks now which is wonderful. I am getting excited to get into NML. I know that is a dangerous place to be because your cravings are less but when they happen, they are FULL FORCE and unexpected. However, I want to be in the No Mans Land group and fight it off. I feel like I'm gearing up for a battle hahah, like I'm Rocky and training in the middle of Philly. Two more weeks to the big fight but the fight will last for about 3 months (I heard that no man's land tends to be months 2,3 and 4). 

Wish me luck on Week 3. Week 4 will consist of my camping trip that I am preparing for. I believe I will be okay, I have chosen to stay away from the alcohol because 2 huge triggers like that could be terrible. It will suck a little but I will be able to enjoy camping for the fresh air that I will finally be able to smell again. 

Cheers to week 2!