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Share your quitting journey

Understanding the Words

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~~Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don't want.~~  Abraham Hicks


I remember when I was 'trying' to quit smoking, I would read all the wonderful posts that said things like "the freedom is wonderful!" and "it's a choice" and "be willing" and I would hope and wish for all that---but I didn't understand it.  Simple words but not simple concepts for a smoker who made lots of excuses to continue her addiction.

It wasn't until I stopped listening to others and silently worked through things myself that I finally understood that my quit was my responsibility and only mine.   It was something I had to do for me.  It truthfully was something I WANTED to do for me but wanting doesn't bring it into reality.  I had to take action.  I could do it reluctantly and go into it kicking and screaming or I could do it willingly and look at my quit as the gift it truly was.  

While we are all unique and bring our own personalized touches to quitting, some universal truths remain.  We are in control of our quits.  You may think "I can't" or "It's too hard", but the truth of the matter is that you can live a smoke-free life.  Quitting will not kill you no matter how bad you feel during the process.  In fact, you can battle it all you want to and struggle constantly if you want to or you can look forward to quitting, have fun with creating a smoke free life, and embrace the joys of your world without a cigarette or vape in hand.

Don't believe me?  Think it isn't as easy as that?  Well, I didn't say it would be easy.  I said you can battle it or you can embrace it.  You can recognize that there will be cravings and there will be nail-biting moments but there will also be moments when you forget you used to smoke.  There will be extra money in your bank account and there will be learning how to deal with extreme emotions.  There will be boredom, anxiety, nervousness, and possible weight gain.  There will be silent thrills that you are doing it and times you are told you smell nice and clearer skin and healthier choices.

Good, bad.  Ups, downs.  When you take the smoking away, you will realize that all that stuff is life, not your quit.  And what a relief to know that just as you handle your life, you can choose to handle your quit.  You can wallow, you can resent it, you can hate it.  You can also then nurture it, protect it, and love it.  Just as you do life.  Because your quit is part of your life and you have choices.  Don't let fear stop you.  Don't let anxiety freeze you.  Breathe life into your quit and make it a part of who you are and how you handle things.  And then you will read these posts from other quitters and truly understand the meaning behind the words.

Have a lovely Monday, all!
