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Share your quitting journey

Uhh aren't we all supposed to be here to support each other with quitting smoking???

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My one year anniversary of when I quit smoking is tomorrow. I logged on tonight to celebrate that fact with some of the friends that I have made on here over the course of the past year. I've been so fortunate to get to know a lot of you over my short time (wow! has it really been a year already) on BecomeAnEX. I cannot believe I actually have not smoked for an entire year! WOOHOO!

Unfortunately, my celebration became a little bit bittersweet when I logged in and saw the latest comment left for me on my page. According to this person Lori Lynn, she apparently speaks on behalf of the MAJORITY of you here and this is what she decides to tell me...

you know bobbi, i'm one of the majority member's on this site, that think you are on the wrong site, this is a smoker's site, not a porn site. you can start an anti-smoking for other like minded. i believe there are allot of us that feel you are exploiting this site in a manner in which we would not wish to be associated with that is unclean and classified as sinful living according to GOD.

For the record, I have had a great time here and have met some really good people. However, I've experienced a few who give me crap about being on here. I'm really not sure where the miscommunication started but whatever the rumor mill is churning out, is not true. I do not do porn. I am a former fitness/bikini model and ex professional wrestler who does appearances on TV and in movies including movies that are rated PG. Feel free to look me up at and compare my profile with that of an actual real live porn star's (for example Jenna Jameson or any other XXX star) on there. Look up their movie titles and descriptions and compare with the mainstream ones I have acted in. So... I hate to break it to you but I am NOT a porn star.

Regardless, why are we discussing what I do or anyone else does for a living anyway? In fact, even if I were a porn star, I have just as much a right to be here as much as anyone else. After all, being a porn star is a legal job in this country. Whether or not you agree with what a porn star does for a living morally, that's on you, but providing that the person is not some spammer and is actually on here giving support for people who want help with their decision to quit smoking, why would YOU take time out of your busy day to object? I'd be embarrassed if that's how I chose to spend my time. You don't like it, take it up with your government, not me. And may I remind you, I AM NOT in that line of work but I am tired of being accused and persecuted as if I was in that line of work just because I have large breasts. So... I decided that I would not keep my mouth shut on this issue any more, hence this rant.

So why are we even talking about this anyway? Oh that's right... because Lori Lynn felt the need to play God and speak out on behalf of the majority of you guys. And before you comment to me "who is this Lori Lynn person again?" I wish I knew but apparently she's speaking on everyone's behalf on Go check out her comments on my page as well as have a look at her blog/witchhunt (update: she removed her blog) and see all the hate she puts forth in the name of God himself. What a great representative of a model Christian/Catholic/whatever religion she is!

Seriously though, I don't know about you but I came on here to escape stress and speak to people who would encourage me to stick with my decision to be a non-smoker forever. I don't care what you guys drive, where you live, how much money you make, what brand of clothes you are wearing, or care about any other superficial way of judging you guys. Alls I know is that we are all here in the same boat, on our own free will. We all used to (or currently do) smoke and we have desire to stop for good. A lot of you helped me with accomplishing one year of being smoke free and I thank you so much for that. I really hope to give back and be one of the people who help you reach your goals someday. Please let me know if I can ever be of assistance and I will do my best to be here for you. Feel free to vent on my blog as long as it doesn't involve you having a cigarette afterwards... 😉

About the Author
Model, actress and former professional wrestler turned interior designer, published author, real estate, crypto, & stock investor. @BobbiBillard everywhere on the internet. Celebrated my 10 year quit anniversary July 22, 2018 and I am still going strong! I have 15+ years of being tobacco/smoke free as of my last visit here.