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Share your quitting journey

Triggers & Separators

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My goal for the next few days is to continue educating myself with the readings people suggested for me and to really learn myself. As I was going through the triggers and separator part of the quit plan this morning, I really wanted to ask for tactics some of you guys had used that seemed to work really well for you. I know what my triggers are and which ones are the worst. I always smoke the most and cravings are the worst in stressful/upsetting situations. I am eager to hear from people who have experience in fighting these cravings and can give me suggestions for separation. I hope no one minds my asking for so much support here like this. Most of my family and friends are smokers. It's always been difficult to get support from them it actually becomes more pressure for me. I've always got someone asking me if I want a cigarette when they know I am trying to quit. I have been debating even telling them about my quit date because of this. Is that stupid?