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Share your quitting journey

Today is my quit day!

0 12 17

I'm taking Chantix and I'm not having any major cravings, just a deep sadness, like I've lost someone close to me.  I can't seem to shake it.  I so badly wanted to be excited about starting my new life as a non smoker, but all I want to do is cry.  Hopefully, tomorrow will be better.


You will feel different tomorrow but that loss feeling will be around for awhile.  You are grieving.  Give it time.  You are doing the most loving thing you will most likely do for yourself in this lifetime.  God bless you.


Also, don't hold back your tears.  Tears are healing, let them rip!


Hang in there! It will get better I promise. You are mourning a loss of your best friend but remember that the BFF will and is only killing you slowly. It is time to cut off all ties YOU DESERVE IT! 


It will be okay!


It is a very normal feeling. I had so many mood swings, I felt like I was on a roller coaster.  But believe me, it does get better. You are doing a wonderful thing for yourself - I feel so much better, both physically and emotionally.  You will too!

Jennifer 106 DOF


Thank you all for your support and encouragement.  Tomorrow will be a better day!


This will be a roller coaster ride for awhile - don't despair!  There will be as many ups as downs!

Be committed!



Hi Suzanne,

I guess you can make the analogy of quitting smoking to getting out of a bad marriage. Even though you feel bad right now, know for sure, that you are doing the right thing. Change is difficult, even if it means we're making a change for the good.

As long as you don't smoke, your feelings will turn around and before you know it, you will start feeling the 'natural high' that we all experience from your new freedom.

Be proud of yourself. You got this.


Change is always hard.  It will get easier.  BELIEVE IT!  And you will discover this "friend" you've said goodbye to is not really a friend at all.  When you really "get" in your bones, that you are losing nothing, you will rejoice.  It just takes a little period of adjustment.  So keep on!


Welcome and Congrats on your Day One!  All you have to do is not smoke for the rest of today and today is almost over.  My mantra was "I choose to be a HAPPY non-smoker just for today."  I couldn't even think about 30 days which seemed so impossible at the time, and I cringed when someone would call this my "forever" quit.  Just focus on today.  Yes, you did lose you "best friend" who was always there for you - but all the Nicodemon really wants is to destroy, kill, and take away your self-esteem..  You are on a new journey, and you will learn so many new and exciting things about yourself!  If you have a really strong craving, BLOG HERE first and wait for 3 responses.  The troops will come running. Stay with us.  This is DO-ABLE!

You have a nice smoke-free weekend!


I also did Chandix...and so glad I did. By the time my quit date came up...I was excited about it. Sure I had the occasional urges (never once had a crave...thank God), but those don't last long. I found that if I started thinking about cigarettes, I got up and helped get my mind off of it. Keep postitve. Don't dwell on cigarettes. Just ride the'll get past them. Hang in there and again...keep a postive attitude. Start doing things you would never have done while being a smoker (I joined a gym. I would never have done that while being a smoker. I didn't want to be away from my smokes that long). Make new "non-smoking" memories for yourself!

In about 2 weeks I'll be smoke free for a year!


Planning for success is very important. Know what you will do to keep yourself moving forward each day.  Keep busy, drink lots of water and get outside in the fresh air, sunshine has lots of vitamin D which helps keep away the stinking thinking. 

Make sure you are very good to yourself.  Sleep whenever you can, as you may have some insomnia and it's important to not get too tired. Eat healthy snacks when you're hungry.  Some people get feelings of anger or frustration, so log onto utube and listen to soothing music. Stay close to this site and read Dale's page, he has lots of great information.  Check out the links I have on my page too, there is so much we need to learn about addiction to nicotine.  You have made the best decision for yourself, be happy about it and commited to your decision and you'll do just fine.


Thank you all so much for your kind words of encouragement and great advise!  You have helped me more than you can imagine!!