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Share your quitting journey

Today is my last day for the rest of my life.

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I have smoke off and on for my 65 years of living. I have never liked the way it smelled or tasted. It was a stress helper. I have been ill since I was a young girl, Had cancer and recovered. I have chron's disease, acid refles, fibromyalgia. Many of the medication for all the these things have not worked on me. It has been a very long road in my life. Not that I am grateful for what I do have. I see so many wondeful things in life. Being in pain everyday of my life it is hard to live a normal life as most people do. Mostly homebound because of all the problems with what is wrong with me depression is part of my life too. I do take care of seeing all the doctor that I should but most of them can give me no answers and do not want to give me any pain meds to help me.

I know smoking is not helping with all that is wrong with me so I have decided today is the last day for the rest of life. I am grateful for each and everyday I have. Some good but most they are very difficult to deal with . I am sure there are many people worst of than I am but the pain I live with each day is so difficult I need a hand with others that have found a way to quit and never go back.