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Share your quitting journey

Today is my 3rd day and I feel confident... somewhat.

5 11 160

I’m on my 3rd day of being nicotine free and it feels good to say. The first two days, I didn’t know what to do with myself, and had a total of like 6 hours of sleep in those two days. Last night though, I had more sleep than I have since quitting and even took another nap today and getting this sleep feels so good! I got some relaxation stuff last night to help me through this, such as teas, decaf coffee (since i love coffee and don’t want to get rid of one addiction and still entertain another one), lavender bubble bath and epsom salt, and melatonin. I took melatonin last night and it helped a lot. I did wake up during the night once but I took another one and ended up falling back asleep. I’d say it helped me but I don’t want to become dependent on melatonin to sleep so i’m going to see if today I can sleep on my own. Wish me luck!