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Share your quitting journey

Time to get this started and over with...

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I've never written a blog before, actually I've never even considered it.  So here goes, hopefully I do it right. After 20 years of smoking, I'm calling it quits. I know it's time. My daughter is constantly on me about quitting. My middle son mentions something every once in a while. And now my 4yr old is telling the lady at the drive through where i get my cigs "Hey, we need to get momma's cigarettes." In the past I've told myself and everyone who mentions anything about my quitting, Hey it's my only vice! I used to drink rather heavily when I was in my early 20's. I've quit that. I might have a drink a couple times a year, whereas it used to be 4-5 nights a week I'd get drunk...or at the very least a buzz. So in a way I was telling myself that it was ok that I am smoking because I quit drinking. 

I've tried to quit a few times over the last several years. But I'm not sure I was really serious about it. I'd find myself sneaking smokes when others wouldn't see me. I'd tell myself...just one won't hurt. I really have no friends...I have aquaintances, but I can't open up and vent or cry on their shoulders. Other than immediate family, there is noone I can talk to for support, which is why I starting looking for a site like this. Hopefully I can meet some of you and can gain a new perspective on this whole quitting thing.


Welcome!! we suggest educating yourself on the addiction. Knowledge is power. We are here to help you along the way.


Welcome.  You have come to the right place. I wanted to quit for 52 years.  Never thought I could until I found this place.  I haven't smoked in 324 days.




Welcome to our community!

As a member of our community, you will never lack for someone to talk with who has been where you are! 


The most important thing you can do right now is to educate yourself on what nicotine does to your body and mind. To that end, I highly recommend Allen Carr's “The Easy Way to Stop Smoking.” This is an easy and entertaining read. Here is a link to a free PDF version of it:


As well, read the sections on this site, and read the blogs, responses and pages of folks you think might be helpful. You might visit and for the good information contained there, Do the tracking and separation exercises outlined on this site.


After you have completed the readings, it will be time to make your informed quit plan, including what quit aid , if any, you will use, and the crave busters you think will work for you. Then you can approach your quit day with a plan in place.


Stay close to us here; ask questions as you have them and for support when you need it. We will be with you every step of the way.




If support is what you're looking for, you have come to the right place. Follow the advice given and you will be on your way to a successful quit. No one comes here thinking that quitting is possible for them but it totally is.  Believing in yourself is half the battle!!


One thing you need to decide is if you are willing to quit. Willing is different from wanting. Educated quitters are more likely to be successful.  Read all you can about addiction to nicotine and listen to the people who have longtime quits. Quitting is not an event, it is a personal journey of self discovery.  Stay focused on your goal, a life of freedom from HAVING to smoke to feel what we think is normal....what is normal is NOT smoking.  Come to this site, blog your feelings, share with this family of EXERS...we understand your addiction and we'll be here to help you, but you have to do the work to become free.


Big Welcome to you!  For a first blog you get an A+.  You've got some beautiful looking reasons to quit.  But YOU are the one you have to quit for.  We're a friendly bunch here and there's a lot of wisdom to be had.  Take what works for you.  You'll find many of us saying the same things.  That's because truth is indisputable.  This takes 100% commitment.  The more you apply yourself to the task at hand, the more apt you are to succeed.  You can get to any member's page by clicking on their photo/icon.  Snoop.  It's encouraged.  If you need help - give a shout.  That's why a great many of us with solid quits under our belts are still here.  Glad you're here.


welcome and we are here for you.


Hi there

Fair play you for getting this far. I am now on day 2 and really feeling it now. My son is down for his nap and my other child is in school so on my own and this is normally the time I go and have one. feeling a bit sorry for myself now.


Welcome and thanks for sharing.  Stay close to this site and read read read to educate yourself and you will come out a winner.


This is a great start...Welcome. 

This is a pretty amazing place. I promise if you reach out here...someone will reach back and be there for you. You will make some life long friends. Friendships that are not based on things that cloud life like possesions, big houses, memberships in Country Clubs, but friendships that are based on a spiritual connection through this site.

And somewhere along the way, helping others will become important, and you will begin to feel like family, and all you have to do is stay involved here

Go after this with a "Pitbull" like attitude and I promise will never be alone again

  Hi! Welcome to EX! You arrived at the right destination for support! Each and every one of us have walked in your shoes. You will receive support from people, like yourself, that are wanting to quit, people on the first days of their quit, and people that have stayed quit for years.
  It's not always easy but if you want to quit...YOU can! You will need to educate yourself on the withdrawal phases and prepare yourself mentally. Don't allow yourself to think negative! You will have urges, just don't give in to them.
  Start out reading the educational links and the blogs, you will find education and attitude will be the key to your success, you will realize just how much control cigarettes do have over your life. The educational links will also help you find your smoking triggers — those things that make you want to smoke — and re-learn how to handle them without cigarettes.
  • Prepare yourself mentally. Don't allow yourself to think negative! If you allow yourself to think you are going to fail, you probably will. Put a solid "I'm Going to Win!" in your head. Write it down and tape signs everywhere to remind yourself that failure is not an option!
  • When you have an urge, do something! Don't allow yourself to continue to think about it or tell yourself that you want a cigarette. Tell yourself this is nicotine addiction raring it's ugly head and DON'T give in to it. The urge WILL PASS! Just fight it while it's there.
  • Make a 'quit kit' that contains a list of distraction techniques and things to help you through the urges. Add cinnamon sticks, crunchy things (carrots, celery, chips some hard candy, lots of water), lemons…biting into a lemon or sticking your head in the freezer and taking a deep breath really does help you get through.
  • Take it 1 minute at a time! Those minutes will turn to hours and hours will soon turn to days. Before you know it, you will have a few months under your belt and will rarely even think of a cigarette.
  • Don't allow yourself to get hungry or thirsty! Drink a glass of water and eat a healthy snack if you feel an urge coming on.
  • Don't allow yourself to get overly tired. Your body will actually need more rest as it tries to heal itself from the addiction.
  • Beware feelings of anger or feeling lonely. Remember, you are not alone! Every member of this group has been exactly where you are and we will be here to help you in any way we can. If you feel that you are about to break, come to us FIRST!! Let us help you through it.
  • If you are having a hard time...reach out for support! Each person on this site started with a 1st day. We understand and can offer suggestions and motivation.

That last paragraph REALLY resonated with me. I was a "secret smoker" who never lit up in public. Ever. My friends and family and coworkers had no clue that I smoked. So, when I quit, there was NO support at all. And when I failed, there was NO accountability. That can be a very lonely cycle to get trapped in, so I reached out to this online community, as did you. 

IT WORKED! It's powerful medicine, for sure.

Stay close to us here and report back on your studies and preparations, okay? It really makes a difference.