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Share your quitting journey

This time it WILL work!

0 9 127 I've tried quitting so many times in the last 5 years, that I have lost track of exactly how many times I've tried.  I tried it all...hypnosis, Chantix, the patch, the gum, the laser thing and now cold turkey.  My last full cigarette was Monday afternoon, so 3 days ago???  So I've been smoke-free for 3 days.  I should feel excited, right?  Empowered, right??  Then why do I feel so sad, so icky?  This morning it was so bad that I was looking for that last lone cigarette hidden "somewhere".  Of course I didn't find it, because I actually threw them all away this time. I was actually getting ready to go through the garbage for a sick is that?  That I was actually going to re-light a cigarette that had already been "used"...that was when I knew that this had to stop.  So I calmly put the lid back on the garbage can, went inside, washed my hands and got ready for work.

The day has been a rollercoaster to say the least.  The WANT is so strong that I am rationalizing that between all the toxins in the air, something is BOUND to kill me, why not enjoy it???  And then I talk myself out of it, that I don't WANT one, I don't NEED one.  This too shall pass....and it does.  I drink some water, chew some gum, go for a walk...But then it comes back.  Again and Again and Again.

But right now I am doing OK.  Although the real test will be tonight when I get home.  My husband just texted me that he broke down and bought a pack.  We quit at the same time.  Although he is using the gum.  And I went cold turkey...and part of me is mad....but I can't be mad at him for buying a pack...he lasted as long as he could.

sigh...I can do this.  It's not up to him to help me quit.  I want to quit for me.  Right???  And for my daughter.  My beautiful 9 year old daughter.  I am quitting for her too. 

That is what I have to keep telling myself...right???