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Share your quitting journey

Thirty Days Smober and Sober

6 12 148

It's been a journey so the "quit counter" I found at and installed on my laptop...reminds me every morning when I log on how far I've come...have not smoked HUNDREDS of cigs and have saved over A HUNDRED dollars...amazing!  My energy is finally returning and I'm amping it up, along with my mood, by making sure I exercise every day, even if it's just a 20-minute walk...Still get a few urges but wouldn't even call them "cravings".  Handling my emotions much better--realize how my perception colors my thinking which contributes to my emotions...change HOW you look at something and you change WHAT you see and your FEELINGS about it...Easier to practice this with a clear head...enjoying my morning coffee a LOT and the taste of food...also my sense of smell has become even more acute...all in all, feeling very much ALIVE...

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