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Things I have learned . . .

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since I quit smoking:

1.  It truly doesn't matter what the problem is - a cigarrette will not solve it

2.  Family drama is still here, and yes IT SUCKS - but I will not give in to smoking a nasty ciggy

3.  People think I am "over stressed" what I realize is I need to pay more attention to this and am stronger to work on how to better handle stress because I no longer use the excuse of "i gotta have a butt" to "destress".

4.  Second Hand smoke does smell disgusting, and I can't believe I smelled like that (or my car)

5.  I learned that I have more time to breath deeply and think clearly, not be thinking about when or where I can light up again.

6.  Family drama - again - it sucks and again I will not let it define how I live my life

7. Weight gain - yeah whatever, I was PHAT before I am PHAT now - the cool version of being overweight (not morbidly) but  (ok not really - but my lungs are happier - my waist line is easier to control than the nicotine demon that ruled my world.

8.  Friends are rare and they are gems to be cherished whether you smoke or not but they need to be supportive of this journey or they are not real friends.

9.  to be accepting to those that "fake the quit" to keep you or loved ones happy - it is their weakness - just be thankful that you are staying smoke free.

10.  This journey is not easy - I have experienced an increase in anxiety, stress, frustration, and challenge of "JUST ONE PUFF" - I always come back to NOPE - (NOT ONE PUFF EVER)  and give thanks for the strength in that phrase.

11.  To send everyone that is on this journey of Nicotine addiction to find strength, dig deep, scream if you have to - but a cigarrette WILL NOT make it better, it will just make you feel worse.

12.  To be thankful for wherever I have found support (a website, a special personal celebration - because let's be honest - NO ONE will celebrate your quit more than you will - so treat yourself well during this journey), and to a higher power (for me that is GOD) hoping not to offend anyone here - but really - I have dug deep in my life both with quitting smoking and family issues - and somehow I found the strength to get through and rise above even when I have felt my loneliest.  

So -in closing - this can be done -and I am on at day 123, but it is still hard - hell anything in life worth getting is hard, but IT CAN BE DONE!  Dig deep, depend on complete strangers for strength but in the end it is up to you - whether you light up that next cigarrette - HANG TOUGH Ex'ers I applaud you all!