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The dangers of secondhand smoke

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By now, you know what smoking can do to your health. But today we would like to talk about secondhand smoke and how it can affect the people around you. Take a look at these statistics.

In the U.S., about 3,400 lung cancer deaths in nonsmokers can be traced to secondhand smoke each year.

Secondhand smoke is also linked to an estimated 46,000 deaths each year related to heart disease and stroke.

Secondhand smoke is especially tough on kids.

It can contribute to:

  • Asthma
  • Middle-ear conditions
  • Low birth weight
  • Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)

Okay, so now you know. Smoking can be a real hazard for not just you. It can harm those near and dear to you. It's another reason to feel great about quitting and staying away from cigarettes. It's also a good reason to avoid people when they're smoking. You may feel like you're being a little rude. Yet you're just trying to protect yourself and your loved ones.

To learn more about secondhand smoke, go to and search "secondhand smoke."

The next time someone waves off the dangers of secondhand smoke, you'll have something to say to them. In those settings it can also be very useful to think about your Reasons for Quitting. Today's activity can help with that.

Here are some reasons to keep avoiding cigarettes. Choose the ones that are most important to you. You can print this list — and, of course, add to it. Or you can write down your reasons.

  • Secondhand smoke is bad for my family
  • I'll reduce my risk for lung cancer and heart disease
  • I'll have more energy
  • I won't smell like smoke and have bad breath
  • I made a promise to myself
  • I made a promise to my friend or partner
  • Smoking makes me look older
  • I'll have more money by not buying cigarettes