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Share your quitting journey

Thankful and stressed

4 12 131

Feeling thankful today for being nicotine free. It’s a big burden released. I remember the times leading up to my past quits and the time leading up to my last quit the battles had in the mind. One part of the mind tells you to quit, that you need to and tries to talk you into it and the other part tells you to keep putting it off, tells you you can’t do it. That you’ll end up just starting back so it’s pointless. I remember the back and forth a lot and I’m glad it’s no longer there. The cravings for nicotine are non existent though every now and again I get stressed out and have to use some ways of coping. Life can be stressful, especially here lately but no matter how stressful it gets I can’t go back to using nicotine. Just gonna continue to use what I’ve learned.