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Share your quitting journey

Thank You All

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I apologize for not checking in on this site.  I cannot believe I am four years smoke free! I contribute a huge part of my success to to "Become an Ex" because of all the wonderful support and tools on this site.

I have had a personal battle and been through four surgeries 2013 - 2015. My hubby two major surgeries 2015- 2016.  And a ton  of physical therapy to boot.  In 2015 we've concentrated on major home renovation and moving my ailing parents out of state. My teenage niece moved in and lived with us for a year and moved out in 2016.  It's a wonder I am still FREE of the nasty nicotine but ecstatic to report continuing success.  

A pleasant surprise hit my email box today "Calling all Elders" which was sweet reminder to me of success in this area of my life. I know it's been a very long time since I've checked in but recent priorities have sent me in the direction of face to face meetings in codependency and Alanon.  This support has dramatically improved my heart, soul, emotions and relationships.  I'm in church a couple times a week to sing (even tho I can't carry a tune, I'm happy the people drown me out).  CHANGE is rewarding!!! 

But, wherever I am, I just can't say enough good things about "Become an Ex" and regularly direct people to this site when I hear someone say: "I need to quit smoking cigarettes" . 

FYI: a major eye opening event that keeps me smoke free is my 80 year old mom whittling away. She is on oxygen and a puffer throughout the day and still smokes.  Years ago as she puffed a cigarette after being diagnosed with emphysema she told me I should quit, I wish she would have back then.  Of course at that time when she told me to quit I didn't, not until I was ready.  I am so glad that I finally became ready to look at the hard cold facts of what cigarettes do to your body.  I forced myself to view all kinds of photos of people with lung cancer who lost body parts due to smoking.  If you keep those images in your mind and the heartbreaking stories of people dying from smoking in your heart it will help you abstain from smoking. When I read that the chemicals from cigarettes leave your body after 30 days, I concentrated all my power on the psychological aspect to the quit which I contribute to my success as well.

Thank you again for such wonderful support from the worst addiction on the planet: cigarettes.

All My Love
