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Share your quitting journey

T-minus 13 Days

8 12 183

After 32 years, I’m ready to quit and I set my quit date for September 12th. After reading through a lot of posts and suggestions here, it’s giving me hope that this will truly happen for me. It won’t be easy but all I can do is just take it one day at a time. 

Today, I started working on a couple of triggers-coffee and work.

First, I brewed my coffee this morning. Instead of going out back and smoking, I sat down and watched TV. I didn’t have that first one until after I finished drinking my coffee. After I reflected on how that went, I realized that nothing happened.

Second, I usually smoke before every meeting at work. I work from home so it makes the outside so much more accessible. Every time the meeting reminder would pop up 15min before the meeting, I’d pick one up and step outside. Today, I changed all my reminders to go off at the start of meetings. 

As I mentioned, my quit date is still 13 days away. Today, in the middle of the day, my lighter stopped working and I went 3 hours without a cigarette and nothing bad happened. 

I will continue to work on my triggers and take things one day at a time.