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Sunday night, end of the 28th day

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I am so glad to be here, so glad to have made it this far and to have found so many amazing people to offer support and to make me laugh.  You really are the best group ever, everyone is honest and forthcoming with their struggles and suggestions, I could not have come this far without you.  I did some crazy housework today and I am paying for it as always.  My shoulder is so swollen that I am not sure even I have ever seen it look this bad.  The pain is beyond what I can describe.  Soon, I will go to bed with ice packs and then the heating pad close by.  I will also take more pain medication, I have taken it on time today but this amount of activity has just really pushed me over the edge.  Someday, I will explain my situation but not today, it would take too long and it would take a whole different support group.  I am smoke free today, I am happy to be able to say that.  I am not coughing anymore, I am really hopeful that at least some of the shortness of breath will subside at some point.  I am going to try to start walking this week, just short, downhill walks...can't walk uphill yet, if ever.  I work the next three days and I am really hoping I can keep the pain under control.  I will be distracted by people at work and that does help even when the pain is really bad.

Happy new week everyone! I am sending each of you peace and gentle hugs!



Peace and hugs hun. Carry our love with you.



I am sorry to hear you are dealing with such pain.  I am VERY familiar with the ice bag on my shoulder to bed and microwave heat pack on my back to get over the cold.

Even with that, you should be SO proud of you.  You are doing GREAT!  Quitting smoking can only improve what is wrong - stay the course!


You are doing great, hang in there, its not easy but so doable.

It IS doable and I finally really believe that.  If I ever actually have the surgery, my shoulder will have a MUCH better chance of healing without smoking.  


elvan, I am so sorry you are hurting.  It does sound like, other than your poor shoulder, you seem to be getting over some of physical side effects of quitting.

In just a couple of days, elvin, you will have been an ex-smoker for an entire MONTH!  That's gotta feel good!

xxxooo,   Sky




Love and care for you and I certainly hope you feel better tonight. There are few things in life that have made me feel as decent, loving and caring as this journey I'm on now to be honest with myself about addiction, Oh how this has been so wonderful for me and everyone I have the priveledge to know.

Thank you for coming here and allowing us into your life, Ellen.

I am only an hour away from you and Candy is only 2 hours from me and an hour from you. Sky, when she gets back to DC is only 2 hours from my house. Nancy lives in Baltimore. You know what? We've found friends. We'll find time to get together this summer because it was meant to be.

Take care.


So sorry about your shoulder! No more crazy housework...lazy housework instead!!! I am glad you are not coughing anymore!!! Don't work too hard and take it easy when you get home!!! Can you take ibuprohin with the pain meds?


Ellen - I am so sorry about your shoulder.....but, I'm glad that you are seeing some physical positives - like not coughing and hopefully easier breathing, as well as faster healing if you have surgery. Please - go to! You are doing this and you should be so proud! Congrats on just about one month! 


Sweeeet! Great job on your 28 day quit. That's awesome. A couple more days and you will enter NML. You should be proud of yourself. I know we are all very proud of you. Keep stacking up your days and keep moving your quit forward. I hope your shoulder feels better soon. Get some good rest tomorrow is a new day. . 

PS- I'm looking forward to hearing your story when you're to tell it.

Kevin d105


First things first....CONGRATULATIONS ON 28 DAYS!!!!!

Now, I'll tell you that I'm sorry you're in pain 😞



Gentle hugs to all of you.  I am going to get this poor old lady into bed.  The cat has claimed my pillow...we shall have to rearrange things a little.  He gets first dibs, he got there first.

Have a wonderful night to all!


Take care, and tell kitty to get her own space, the bed is YOURS, you paid for it!



Congrats on 28 days walking is good short distance is my faverot lol 


Pain in no fun, physical nor emotional.  We do the best we can.  And that's all we CAN do.  Despite it you are maintaining your quit.  That's quite remarkable.  But don't forget to listen to your own wods "I did some crazy housework today and I'm paying for it."  Maybe do less crazy housework and pay less for it??  


Hope today brings a better day for you!!!!

Stay close to us here and stay strong!



As a P.S. in regard to your "crazy" housework::

I am a serious Type A personality.  I had been in a bad car accident and broken my sternum several years ago - and still tried to get the upright out and vacuum - carpets!   I honestly didn't know how to control myself as I healed.  I finally went to a pschy to talk about it.  His advice has stuck to me to this day:  "Before you do something you KNOW you shouldn't, ask yourself, 'is this in my long term best interest?'" 

It helped me - I hope it helps you!



Ellen, I am so very proud of YOU!!  You are a true inspiration to all of us here at the EX world.  I am sorry that you have to suffer so much pain, but as others have said above EVERYTHING gets better as we quit smoking.  You can also look forward to breathing easier and not be as short of breath as you currently are. 

I hope you have 3 good days at work.  And tomorrow.........WHOOOO will be at ONE WHOLE MONTH smoke free!!!  Can you believe it?  I couldn't believe it for myself at first.

You keep going, girl, and listen to everyone's advise above.  In the beginning, I had to look at myself as "The Student" which required me to LISTEN to everyone and FOLLOW DIRECTIONS.

You are a WINNER!!


Tomorrow will be 28 days.  Chantrix has really helped.  Sometimes I still want to smoke but talk myself out of it.  Have a really good support system and so many people encouraging me.


everyone have some great postes on here im really crying right now beacause my most of my family dont smoke and dont understand the addiction to ciggarettes like its a mind thing not some that make you addicted.....i know rite? thanks for being here for me going into my 8th day

About the Author
Retired RN, worked ICU/ER developed RA in early 90's, unable to work because of brittle bones from high dose steroids. Diagnosed with COPD 5 yrs ago but sure it was there and progressing long before. Live with severe chronic pain, degenerative disc disease, had both upper lobes of my lungs removed in 2015. Struggle with shortness of breath. Work in son's cafe as a cashier 2 days a week to be around people. I am a people/animal person. Lost my home and three cats in a fire on my ten month anniversary of quitting smoking. Never thought of smoking, knew it wouldn't help anything.