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SmokedOut_QUIT_04-14-2012 Archived Profile

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Final Quitdate April 14th 2012

Hi all.

My name is Teresa.

I first joined Ex in December 2009. I had a previous quit  of 6 1/2 years without support or educating myself on this addiction. When I made the choice to light "just 1"---That relapse led to 10 more years of smoking for a total of 30 years!  During that 10 years I had several quit attempts prior to joining Ex and several thereafter. Of those quit attempts, some were half hearted, lasting only a day or so---while others were where I felt I was putting in my all, one even lasting up to 4 months. Trust me...when we lapse or relapse in this addiction----It does not want you to regain that Freedom!!!

Educating youself on this addiction and 100% commitment are key to remaining smokeFREE. N.O.P.E.

I know how to do this and I am ready! I refuse to let anything, anyone, or any excuse get in the way of this goal.  If I can support or help others along the way ---even better. 🙂

I would rather be the Ex-smoker with an occasional urge or thought of smoking than the Smoker who is always longing to be SmokeFree. 



Everyday, if possible you need to affirm your desire to Quit. In a strong positive voice say to yourself:

I am now going to commit myself to stop smoking.

I know that I have a lot to learn but I will learn it.

I know that, at this stage of the course I will have many doubts and fears especially if I have tried before and failed.

But I will not allow them to lessen my desire to stop. I will open my mind and examine all my beliefs about smoking.

Surely, I can succeed. 90 million people just like me in the USA have done it. And millions and millions more all around the world......

Of course it is possible.

I know the secret lies in not trying to force myself to quit smoking through willpower, but in understanding and applying the simple techniques that thousands have already used to free themselves permanently from this addiction.

Now I will commit myself 100% to giving up smoking.

I will prove to myself not only can it be done but anybody can do it easily, simply and when they understand the principles behind it - effortlessly'


If you're bored try this. It's addicting and harmless 🙂 



I want one-no I don't. One sounds great-no it doesn't. Oh just one-not just one. If you keep thinking in terms of "one" this kind of internal debate is non-relenting-it will slowly drive you nuts.

So, don't carry on this debate. Don't think in terms of one. Think in terms of full-fledged smoking. The full quantity, the social stigma, the stench, the costs, the risks. I'm not advocating looking at them negatively. Just look at them how they were-really were at the end.

They were making you sick and tired enough of them that you voluntarily put yourself into withdrawal to break free from them. You did it. Now just keep them in perspective. If you used to smoke 20 a day, say to yourself when the urge hits that "I want 20 a day, every day, for the rest of my life, till it cripples, then kills me." As soon as you hear yourself say it in that perspective you will likely find yourself next saying, "What am I thinking? I don't want to smoke that way." That will be the end of that particular discussion.


During our struggles we must keep in mind we are not alone, others have gone down similar paths and survived; knowing this helps us carry on.Support and reassurance can ease our way through tough times. If you were lucky, as a child, you can remember the powerful effect of your mother or father saying “Don’t worry everything will be all right.” An old Indian proverb says: - “Joy is doubled by others and sorrow is halved.” We need each other to get through the ups and downs of life. It is our community of family and friends that hold us up when life knocks us down.

It is your responsibility to know and handle your inner life. Knowing and accepting all your emotions gives you an abundant palette to work with. Why limit yourself to black and white when there are so many other colors available? Here are some steps to harness and master your difficult emotions:

imageStep one: Change your view. Rather than viewing your vulnerability as an emotion you need to get rid of or run from, view it as a treasure that holds important insight about yourself. See difficult emotions as great teachers. Remember, even when you feel powerless in a situation, you always have the power to choose how you want to view it. You can transform an audition that does not pan out into a job as an audition filled with an opportunity to experience growth; the choice is yours. If you view your difficult emotions as something you need to run away from, you will promote fear. If you view them as something you need to get to know better, you will promote strength. Which seeds are you going to water, seeds of fear or seeds of strength? Remember views are powerful, so be aware of yours and know that you can always change them to your benefit.

Step twoLearn how to feel your feelings without getting lost in them. Feelingsare sensations in the body, that come and go just like the weather. They shift and change moment to moment. imageWhat you feel now will change in five minutes, 30 minutes, an hour or a day. Knowing this can help you build tolerance for uncomfortable feelings when they arrive and enjoy the good feelings before they leave. Reminding yourself thatfeelings are not facts lessens the power you unconsciously give them. Get tools to relax yo`ur body when you feel strong emotions. Add exercise, yoga, meditation or Tai Chi to your daily routine to get into the habit of calming your body down. Some simple methods to gain control when anxiety strikes are:

  1.   Breathe a little more slowly and deeply. This sends a message from your lungs and your heart to your brain that you are not in danger. Your brain then turns off the chemicals that were stimulating your body’s fear response.
  2.   Relax your tongue and your mouth. By relaxing your tongue and jaw, this also sends a message to the brain that you are okay and it engages the parasympathetic nervous system (part of the nervous system which calms us down) to work by soothing you.
  3.   Imagine increased warmth in your hands. When you are stressed, your sympathetic nervous system directs blood flow to your legs for the fight or flight response. This directs blood flow away from less important areas, like your hands and fingers. Visualizing warmth in your hands sends another signal to your sympathetic nervous system to relax and take it easy.

imageStep threeStop self-critical thoughts.

Having self-critical thoughts while you’re going through a tough time is like pouring salt on a wound. It’s painful enough to go through difficult emotions; you don’t need to make it worse by beating yourself up for having them. Instead, give yourself a break, by learning to accept whatever it is that you are feeling without any judgment. Don’t see yourself as flawed, but full of potential no matter what you are feeling. Create friendliness towards yourself by softening the harsh inner-critic, this will help you to be with yourself in a genuine way. Stop exaggerating your thoughts by catastrophizing. Remember the mind believes what you tell it. If you want to control your anxiety, become aware when you are exaggerating your thoughts by making little things bigger than they need to be.

An important goal of an actor is to stay open to life experiences without shutting down.When you learn to navigate through and tolerate difficult emotions, then those emotions no longer have control over you and you have more access to your emotions



Brief Description

"The need to quit is dictated by outside forces and the want to quit comes from within."--- yaya


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