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Share your quitting journey

Seeing the light lol!

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Hi every-one 🙂

Just thought I'd share something that had a bizarre effect on my brain that before giving up wouldn't have been that big a deal!

As you all know I'm 6 weeks into my quit now and completly  ''hooked'' on staying smoke free!!!

My partner is still a heavy smoker, and very much in denial and see's my quit as very good and is supportive but not quite ready to quit himself.

I was just dicussing the financial side of the cost of his smoking and was shocked to discover he's spending nearly  £200 per month on cigarettes!!! 

I was blown away by this more so now than I would have been before, and I suppose not having to pay for cigarettes any more I see it as an unnecessary expensive waste of money! How refreshing was that lol! 

I actually said to my son the other night without even thinking about it that I was so glad I had quit smoking which came as a revelation to me and I was so surprized that I'd said it so honestly.

Now that my partner has realized the amout of cash he's wasting each month, I can work on his conscience as he hates losing money lol!  So hopefully he WILL give up sooner rather than later!

