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Share your quitting journey


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It is with enormous gratitude that I tell all of my "quitter" friends, at midnight, I have 7 years, smoke free!  Anyone who wants advice on how to quit smoking, please, just ask.  I will tell you, that I went to this website, after I saw it on a billboard in West End of Pittsburgh. 4 years later, my sweet 18 year old son, Jesse, died in a horrific accident. I am here to tell you, that I never smoked or wanted to smoke, even when my son died. If you think you have an excuse to smoke, you need to reconsider. The sickorett companies designed this product to "hook" you from the first puff! Then continuously buy the product while you slowly kill yourself and sicken those around you. It's a joke that it's hard to quit. If you do everything that this website tells you to do, Quitting is easy, and profitable. I always remember how proud my son, Jesse, was of me when I quit smoking 7 years ago. Because he said, "Mom, I am really proud of you for quitting." If anyone needs help quitting, please contact me. Thank you ex community elders and members and newbies, for saving my life. Your sister, Kathryn


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