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Rough Morning

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Having a rough morning today... I have been working from home for a couple weeks and starting tomorrow  (Tuesday) I will be driving back to the office... 60 miles each way stuck in traffic.... used to smoke a half a pack just driving.  Woke up wanting a butt this morning... went into my daughters room to get one, she didn't have any which is essentially a good thing but it was a let down to me.


Need to come up with a plan for work.  Can't chew gum because of TMJ issues, I am a diabetic so candy is out... ugh... when does this start to get easier??? I am wearing the nicotine patch, thought it would help... idk. Just frustrated this morning.  BLAH!!!


Thanks for letting me vent!



Miserable Monday Blues!  😞


I'm sorry that you can't chew gum on your way to work. Put some Vicks Vapo Rub under your nose. It will give you something to take your mind off of driving!! Listen to your favorite music and turn it up loud. A whole new eperience. You can at least try it!! Love ya!!'

Candy      d174


Tough at times, for sure...but worth it!!!

Remember you want to naturally and freely as possible...

Also, you know that smoking alone is horrible for you....and that smoking along with not a good mix

As a matter of fact...smoking doesn't mix good with anything...

DAMN nicotine...the crap should be illegal!!!

Sorry about your feelings this AM, I too struggle with this addiction, but Mrs Lovejoy...we will be 1,000% better off staying off of this drug...


The only way to get through it is to keep going.. It will get easier thats a fact.  If you do fall.. just get right back up and keep going.  you CAN do this!




Yeah, those mornings used to be rough for me too. Never actually looked for a pack of cigarettes though. Good thing because they'd of been there it I looked.

 I used the patch in the beginnings of my quit and the first thing I had to understand was that the patch doesn't magically remove the craves. It just takes the edge off of them. The rest is up to you.

 I call it quitting on training wheels because you get to learn how to deal with the craves without feeling the full intensity of them. Look at this day as an opportunity. A day to prove to yourself that nothing can stop you in your goal for freedom.

 Though it'll be a day of learning, when you get through it, you'll be that much stronger.

Keep your eye on the prize of freedom! It's so worth the effort to get there!!



Can you do cinnamon sticks?  (Hit them with a hammer to break them up into small enough slivers that are comfortable to suck on)  Or else straws or coffee stirrers.  Also carrot sticks while driving.  I found all of these helpful.  I guess the hand mouth thing.


Or - how about flavored toothpicks?  They come in cinnamon, I think - and I remember someone here made his own flavors by soaking the toothpicks in various drinks and sauces.  You should also keep a cold bottle of water in the car to sip from. Or sugarfree candy.  Or ice cubes when you are near a source.

Also - is there a different route to work you can try?  Or - try counting the red/blue/white cars you see.  Or try to come up with names of cities for each letter of the alphabet, or girls/boys names.

You cannot take this journey unprepared!  Make a PLAN for what you will do when you get up if that is a tough time for you.  Get right up and take a brisk walk if that's possible - or head right into the shower.  Drink your coffee with your OTHER hand in a place different from where you used to smoke with it.  I used a frozen Hershey Kiss with my first cup in the early days, and that seemed to do the trick for me.

Hang in there!  You CAN do this!



After reading Allen Carr's book I also bought the updated audio version and listen to it in my car,it's about 5 hours long so it gets me through several days on the road and then I go back to my favorite chapters. I also cleaned the car and the A/C vents with a cleaner so that I wont smell the stale smoke anymore. We are not allowed to chew gum at work, so I have nuts and grapes on my desk all the time
