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Share your quitting journey

Quitting smoking / its side effects

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The solar eclipse was amazing . It touched people who were able to see it in profound ways . 

Sunrises. , sunsets , this is what I have gotten to see every day because I quit smoking and because I saved the money I otherwise would have smoked to ashes , those beautiful skies was more time I had to make memories with my kids .This is what I’ve gotten because I didn’t give up ; that is what I got because I chose not to slip anymore ;  that is what I got because I quit looking back and quit thinking  I can’t . This is what I’ve had and  the opportunity to see every morning and every night without a cigarette in hand . I’ve smelled fresh air as opposed to the rank that traveled with me everywhere from smoking a cigarette . Here is what I received back when I nearly had no hope to quit . 

I came to quit smoking with nothing .  I had hope only the size of the eye of a needle and this great big long dark tunnel to go through with only a ray of sunshine followed by endless mountain ranges to climb. This dot of light in that tunnel seemed a million miles away and seemed impossible for one so weak in strength and faith in myself , but I walked ; one step in front of the other . The only plan I had was my firm commitment to do it and “ don't smoke “ “ no matter what  , no matter WHAT “  .

I believe because I kept it simple , I stuck to it . I believed with intention to make it happen , that doing different would find its place , and it did .  I’d go to the zoo , I learned  to play guitar , even ventured out to music jams and began singing publicly beating  a fear . I chose frozen grapes , and cinnamon tea , a ping pong ball to distract , an inspirational book with my coffee .  I educated myself about addiction by reading about addiction and researched Big Tobacco to get over many cravings . There was really something about knowing the truth about them , that drove me forward . 

  I did different and found different  .  I thought different and did different .

It is now almost thirteen years later from that dreadful day one when I wondered if I could live without cigarettes . I have seen my kids doing well in their jobs and well in their lives . I’ve seen my grandkids growing into young men and young women , weddings and grand babies being born . I’ve seen my health improve with far less smoking related colds , pneumonias , fatigue  and my COPD  is stable . I may never need an oxygen tank because I quit putting soot into my lungs . But things haven’t stopped there . My attitude towards stress and worry has changed . I don’t use them as excuses to smoke anymore nor are the things that once were triggers triggers anymore.

Smoking stunted my growth and kept me stuck in time . It kept me secluded, unmotivated , tired and weak . Today I’m walking in the light energized with strength and enthusiasm for life smoke free .  One day at a time . That long dark tunnel is behind me now , the mountain range too . 

I will say again in agreement with many here who have shared their stories of what it’s was like to be smoker , be on the journey to success and have the days they never thought possible .. it is worth it . Go for it , you can do it .