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Question: Why Can't I Just Cut Back to 3-5 a Day?

0 7 38

Surely that's better than 20 a day, right?


Do you how many times I tried that ! hahaha never ever worked for me Only way is NOPE !


I liked that idea, but it did not work out for me.

Shocking, huh?


Yep, so did not work for me either. N.O.P.E. was/is the only  way for me.


Surpise!  Surprise!  It NEVER works because:

The Law of Addiction states:  "Administration of a drug to an addict will cause re-establishment of chemical dependence upon the addictive substance."

The receptors in your brain will never be satisfied with just a few......almost as soon as you finish a cigarette, those receptors start firing to get their next fix.  Vicious cycle (of addiction!).



Sometimes on horrible craves day I wish one would be that simple to resolve the crave.  But I know the addiction don't stop with one smoke so has to be NOPE!!!! NOT ONE PUFF EVER!!!!


NOPE! Nancy said it right on!

I Won't Quit on my Quit!


Yes.  It IS better than 20 a day.  Trouble is - we can't just smoke 3 or 5 a day.  Though I actually have known a few people who can.  Well - not 3 or 5, but I've known those who can bum a cigarette when with a smoking friend once in a blue moon, though they never smoke themselves anymore.  For them it's kind of a "treat?" maybe. 

We normal addicts, however, can't do that.  And to pretend that we can leads to sure relapse.  There is no such thing as just One for us.  How many blogs do you have to read on here to "get" that?  How  many personal experiences do you have to go through thinking that you can just smoke this one - now .  Just now.  Just this one.  There won't be any other.  Just this one.  NOT POSSIBLE for us.  Just this one  is NOT possible.  Let the thought go. For if you don't, you'll be back to square Day One all over again after however many glorious smoke-free years you have.  It happens time after time on here. 

Smoking is addictive.  Addictions have no limits.  The limit becomes just the amount of the drug you need to keep you from craving.  Whether that may be half a pack a day for you or 2 packs a day.  Smoking is an all or nothing thing.  You smoke as much as you need to.  Or as much as you can.  It's not really a choice until.... you realize... that actually - it IS.  Then you're on your way to understanding how to overcome the addiction. 

Recognizing that smoking is a choice, is part of the awakening process. 

About the Author
63 years old. 20 year smoker. 11 Years FREE! Diagnosed with COPD. Choosing a Quality LIFE! It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1