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Share your quitting journey

Pondering and gratefulness, day 151

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Yesterday, I had the pleasure of picking up a couple of women at the airport for the EX get together in Virginia Beach.

The drive to Norfolk to the airport in days gone by would have been at least a 3-cigarette trip. I had zero.

The flight was delayed and I found a parking space in the garage and walked around a bit. In the old days, that would have been another 3 cigarettes at least. I had zero.

I got around to the front of the airport while Jennifer got her luggage. Yesteryear, that would have been a 2-cigarette event. I had zero.

Then the drive to the hotel, the wrong hotel the first time. Another cigarette not smoked.

You get the picture. There was another ride to the hotel, meeting up with a few of the EXers, and then driving home eventually.

I really believe I'd have devoured a pack of cigarettes at another time in life. I am SO glad I don't do that anymore and am so happy to meet others who have made the same decision.

I have life to tend with today, but I'll be joining the EXers in Virginia Beach tomorrow. Time to get to know the people who have helped me through the quit and then some.

Happy Friday!


Day 151
